Книга: Lewis Grassic Gibbon «Spartacus»
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Серия: "-" The original landmark story of the gladiator Spartacus, a masterpiece of vivid storytelling full of adventure, suspense, cruelty, and romantic intrigueRome, 73 BC. Kleon, a Greek slave, wakes early, cuts his master's throat, and flees south by a back road, clutching a copy of Plato's Republic. His destination is Capua, where he hopes to join the burgeoning rebel army of Spartacus, an escaped gladiator. So begins the definitive telling of one of the most famous stories in history. Spartacus and his companions, having defeated every Roman force sent against them, are plundering the countryside and gathering to their ranks thousands of fugitives, brigands, and itinerants. They seek to create a new world, one where men are not owner and owned. But they must first escape Italy, and the vengeful Roman legions already marshalling against them. Brutal and uncompromising in its depiction of the ancient world, Spartacus masterfully evokes the violence, hope, and despair of the war that shook Rome to its very foundations. Издательство: "PublikumArt" (2014)
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Lewis Grassic Gibbon
Infobox Writer
name = Lewis Grassic Gibbon
imagesize =
caption =
pseudonym = Lewis Grassic Gibbon
birthname = James Leslie Mitchell
birthdate = Birth date|1901|02|13
birthplace =
deathdate = death date and age|1935|02|07|1901|02|13
deathplace =
occupation = novelist
nationality = Scottish
ethnicity =
citizenship = British
period = 1928 - 1935
genre = general fiction
subject = Scottish country life
movement = 20th century
notableworks = The trilogy
spouse =
partner =
children =
relatives =
influences =
influenced =
awards =
website = http://www.grassicgibbon.com
portaldisp =
Lewis Grassic Gibbon was the
Born and raised in
Mitchell attracted attention from his earliest attempts at fiction, notably from
* "Hanno: or the Future of Exploration" (1928)
* "Stained Radiance: A Fictionist's Prelude" (1930)
* "The Thirteenth Disciple" (1931)
* "The Calends of Cairo" (1931)
* "Three Go Back" (1932)
* "The Lost Trumpet" (1932)
* "
* "Persian Dawns, Egyptian Nights" (1932)
* "Image and Superscription" (1933)
* "
* "Spartacus" (1933)
* "Niger: The Life of Mungo Park" (1934)
* "The Conquest of the Maya" (1934)
* "Gay Hunter" (1934)
* "Scottish Scene" (1934), with
* "
* "Nine Against the Unknown" (1934)
* "The Speak of the Mearns" (1982), published posthumously
In 1934 Mitchell collaborated with
Mitchell's biography, by Iain S. Munro, appeared in 1966.
External links
* [http://www.grassicgibbon.com/ The Lewis Grassic Gibbon Centre]
NAME= Gibbon, Lewis Grassic
ALTERNATIVE NAMES=Mitchell, James Leslie
Источник: Lewis Grassic Gibbon
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