Книга: «Артбук Мир игры Marvel Spider-Man»

Артбук Мир игры Marvel Spider-Man

Производитель: "Titan Books"

Миры Питера Паркера и Человека-паука столкнутся в заряженной действием игре Marvel’s Spider-Man – эксклюзивном релизе для PlayStation 4. Sony Interactive Entertainment, Insomniac Games и Marvel создалисовершенно новую историю о Человеке-пауке. Питер Паркер, гораздо более опытный, чем раньше, сражается с преступностью в Нью-Йорке. От него зависит судьба миллионов жителей города, но в то же время ему необходимо привести в порядок личную жизнь, в которой царит полный хаос.

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Titan Books

Titan Publishing Group is an independently owned publishing company, established in 1981. It is based at offices in London's Bankside area, close to Tate Modern. The Books Division has two main areas of publishing: film & TV tie-ins/cinema reference books; and graphic novels & comics reference/art titles.

Film & TV

Titan Books is a publisher of film and TV tie-ins, with particular many licensed entertainment titles. They publish on average 30-40 new film and TV tie-in titles per year, across a broad range of formats from "making of" books and screenplays to TV companions and novels, and have an extensive backlist reprint programme.

Film & TV Books published

*"The Alfred Hitchcock Story"
*"The Art of Kung Fu Panda"
*"Crystal Lake Memories"
*"Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made"
*"The Hammer Story"
*"Movie London"
*"Sweeney Todd"
*"The Winston Effect"

Graphic Novels

Titan Books also publishes graphic novels in the UK. They have a backlist of over 1000 graphic novel titles and well over six million copies sold to date. They publish a wide range of titles, using licensed characters and properties such as Batman*, Heroes*, Nemi*, Superman*, Sandman*, The Simpsons*, Star Wars*, Tank Girl, Transformers, Roy of the Rovers and World of Warcraft*.

Graphic Novels published

*"Charley's War"
*"Dan Dare"
*"Ex Machina*"
*"James Bond"
*"Modesty Blaise"
*"Roy of the Rovers"
*"Star Wars*"
*"V for Vendetta*"

Comic, Art and Fiction

Titan Books’ range of fiction continues to grow, with official novelisations of films such as Terminator Salvation to come in 2009, along with ongoing series of original novels based on TV shows such as Primeval. In the UK in 2008 they have also published the movie novelisations for Iron Man*, The Dark Knight* and X-Files: I Want to Believe*.

Titan also publishes high quality 'coffee table' books on animation, popular culture, collectibles and comic and fantasy art. Their 2008 lead title is Watching the Watchmen, Dave Gibbon’s visual account of the genesis of the acclaimed bestselling graphic novel, Watchmen, featuring hundreds of rare and unseen illustrations from his personal archive.

Also published in 2008 is The Cream of Tank Girl, a lavish art book that celebrates the 20th anniversary of Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett’s anarchic creation, born kicking and screaming in the early days of punk and still going strong.

Comic, Art and Fiction books published

*"The Cream of Tank Girl"
*"Iron Man (Movie Novelisation)*"
*"Watching the Watchmen"


(*) = titles not available from Titan in the US

ee also

*James Bond (comic strip)
*Titan Magazines
*Modesty Blaise

External links

* [http://www.titanbooks.com/ Titan Books website]

Источник: Titan Books

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Артбук Мир игры Marvel Spider-ManМиры Питера Паркера и Человека-паука столкнутся в заряженной действием игре Marvel’s Spider-Man – эксклюзивном… — Подробнее...
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