Электронная книга: Akhil Gupta «OSCEs for Medical Finals»
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OSCEs for Medical Finals has been written by doctors from a variety of specialties with extensive experience of medical education and of organising and examining OSCEs. The book and website package consists of the most common OSCE scenarios encountered in medical finals, together with checklists, similar to OSCE mark schemes, that cover all of the key learning points students need to succeed. Each topic checklist contains comprehensive exam-focussed advice on how to maximise performance together with a range of‘insider's tips'on OSCE strategy and common OSCE pitfalls. Designed to provide enough coverage for those students who want to gain as many marks as possible in their OSCEs, and not just a book which will ensure students‘scrape a pass', the book is fully supported by a companion website at www.wiley.com/go/khan/osces, containing: OSCE checklists from the book A survey of doctors and students of which OSCEs have a high chance of appearing in finals in each UK medical school Издательство: "John Wiley&Sons Limited"
ISBN: 9781118441916 электронная книга Купить за 3860.83 руб и скачать на Litres |
Akhil Gupta
Akhil Gupta is a notable scholar in the field of social and
He is married to Purnima Mankekar, a fellow professor and scholar in the same field. Gupta and Mankekar have one child, Deeya Shivani.
Akhil did his schooling from the prestigious St. Xavier's in Jaipur and graduated in 1974. Gupta did his undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering from
Gupta has done extensive work in rural North India. In his book, Postcolonial Developments: Agriculture in the Making of Modern India, Gupta analyzes whether and how post-colonial theory can be applied to subaltern rural places. He attempts to understand the growth of modern India through its agricultural sector. Most of his work has taken place in the western part of the north Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Gupta has also tried to understand the ethnography of the state - as lived, understood and discussed in rural India.
Awards and fellowships
* Stanford Humanities Center Fellowship for 2004-2005
* Iris F. Litt Award (with Purnima Mankekar) for 2006-07 for gender research
* Woodrow Wilson fellow 1997
Tenure-ship controversy
Gupta was unanimously approved for tenure in 1996 but the decision was overturned by John Shoven, Dean of Humanities and Sciences. In front of public outcry and student pressure, the decision was rescinded and Gupta was awarded tenureship within the department.
elected publications
* Postcolonial Developments: Agriculture in the Making of Modern India, 1997
* Editor, The Anthropology of the State: A Reader (with Aradhana Sharma), 2006
* Editor, Caste and Outcast (with Gordon Chang and Purnima Mankekar), 2002
* Editor, Culture, Power, Place: Explorations in Critical Anthropology (with James Ferguson), 1997
* Editor, Anthropological Locations: Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science (with James Ferguson), 1997
External links
* [http://www.stanford.edu/dept/anthroCASA/people/faculty/gupta.html Stanford Page]
* [http://shc.stanford.edu/fellowships/0405gupta.htm Stanford Humanities Center Fellowship Profile Page for Akhil Gupta]
* [http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2006/june14/clayman-061406.html Iris F. Litt Award]
* [http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/1998/may20/anthro520.html Anthropology department splits in two over tenure ship]
Источник: Akhil Gupta
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Akhil Gupta | OSCEs for Medical Finals | OSCEs for Medical Finals has been written by doctors from a variety of specialties with extensive experience of medical education and of organising and examining OSCEs. The book and website package… — John Wiley&Sons Limited, электронная книга Подробнее... | 3860.83 | электронная книга |
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