Книга: Cooper J. «Precaution»
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James Fenimore Cooper was a prolific and popular American writer of the first half of the 19th century. His historical romances of frontier and Indian life in the early American days created a unique form of American literature. Precaution is the first novel written by Cooper written in imitation of Jane Austen's novels of English gentry manners. It is mainly interesting today as a document in the history of American cultural colonialism and as an example of an attempt to imitate Jane Austen's investigation of the ironic discrepancy between illusion and reality. Формат: Твердая глянцевая, 564 стр.
ISBN: 9785521079698 |
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См. также в других словарях:
précaution — [ prekosjɔ̃ ] n. f. • mil. XVIe; lat. præcautio, de præcavere « prendre garde » 1 ♦ Disposition prise pour éviter un mal ou en atténuer l effet. ⇒ garantie, mesure, prévention, protection. Précautions contre les maladies. Ce serait une excellente … Encyclopédie Universelle
precaution — Precaution. s. f. Prevoyance dont on se sert pour ne pas tomber en quelque inconvenient, & pour éviter quelque mal. Precaution necessaire. precaution inutile. prendre ses precautions. apporter toutes les precautions necessaires en une chose. user … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
precaution — pre‧cau‧tion [prɪˈkɔːʆn ǁ ˈkɒː ] noun [countable] something done to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous happening: • All companies with limited resources must take precautions to limit their liability. • As a precaution, the company… … Financial and business terms
Precaution — Pre*cau tion, n. [F. pr[ e]cation, L. praecautio, fr. praecavere, praecautum, to guard against beforehand; prae before + cavere be on one s guard. See {Pre }, and {Caution}.] 1. Previous caution or care; caution previously employed to prevent… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Precaution — Pre*cau tion, v. t. [Cf. F. pr[ e]cautionner.] 1. To warn or caution beforehand. Locke. [1913 Webster] 2. To take precaution against. [R.] Dryden. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
precaution — (n.) c.1600, from Fr. précaution (16c.), from L.L. praecautionem (nom. praecautio), from pp. stem of L. praecavere to guard against beforehand, from prae before (see PRE (Cf. pre )) + cavere to be one s own guard (see CAUTION (Cf. caution … Etymology dictionary