Электронная книга: Liu Yong «Modeling and Simulation for Microelectronic Packaging Assembly. Manufacturing, Reliability and Testing»
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Although there is increasing need for modeling and simulation in the IC package design phase, most assembly processes and various reliability tests are still based on the time consuming«test and try out» method to obtain the best solution. Modeling and simulation can easily ensure virtual Design of Experiments (DoE) to achieve the optimal solution. This has greatly reduced the cost and production time, especially for new product development. Using modeling and simulation will become increasingly necessary for future advances in 3D package development. In this book, Liu and Liu allow people in the area to learn the basic and advanced modeling and simulation skills to help solve problems they encounter. Models and simulates numerous processes in manufacturing, reliability and testing for the first time Provides the skills necessary for virtual prototyping and virtual reliability qualification and testing Demonstrates concurrent engineering and co-design approaches for advanced engineering design of microelectronic products Covers packaging and assembly for typical ICs,optoelectronics, MEMS, 2D/3D SiP, and nano interconnects Appendix and color images available for download from the book's companion website Liu and Liu have optimized the book for practicing engineers, researchers, and post-graduates in microelectronic packaging and interconnection design, assembly manufacturing, electronic reliability/quality, and semiconductor materials. Product managers, application engineers, sales and marketing staff, who need to explain to customers how the assembly manufacturing, reliability and testing will impact their products, will also find this book a critical resource. Appendix and color version of selected figures can be found at www.wiley.com/go/liu/packaging Издательство: "John Wiley&Sons Limited"
ISBN: 9780470827819 электронная книга Купить за 12483.68 руб и скачать на Litres |
Liu Yong
Liu Yong may refer to:
*liu yong (刘永/摄影师)/china/Photographer web:www.liu-yong.com
Источник: Liu Yong
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Liu Yong | Modeling and Simulation for Microelectronic Packaging Assembly. Manufacturing, Reliability and Testing | Although there is increasing need for modeling and simulation in the IC package design phase, most assembly processes and various reliability tests are still based on the time consuming«test and try… — John Wiley&Sons Limited, электронная книга Подробнее... | 12483.68 | электронная книга |
См. также в других словарях:
Liu Yong — may refer to: *liu yong (刘永/摄影师)/china/Photographer web:www.liu yong.com * Liu Yong (Song Dynasty) (柳永), Chinese poet in Song Dynasty * Liu Yong (Qing Dyansty) (刘墉): official in Qing Dynasty * Liu Yong (writer) (刘墉): Chinese modern writer * Liu… … Wikipedia
Liu Yong — ist der Name folgender Personen: Liu Yong (Kriegsherr) († 29 n. Chr.), chinesischer Kriegsherr Liu Yong (Poet) (987–1053), chinesischer Poet Liu Yong (Kalligraf) (1720–1804), chinesischer Kalligraf Liu Yong (Schriftsteller) (劉墉) Liu Yong… … Deutsch Wikipedia
LIU YONG — [LIEOU YONG] (XIe s.) Liu Yong, appelé aussi Liu Qiqing, est originaire de Chong’an dans la province du Fujian. Il est difficile de connaître avec précision les dates de naissance et de mort de ce poète. On sait seulement qu’il obtient le titre… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Liu Yong — Liǔ Yǒng (柳永, XIe siècle) était un écrivain chinois. Il vécut au milieu des courtisanes et sa vie inspira récits et opéras. Ses poèmes chantés sur des mélodies de courtisanes, sa langue assez populaire et le côté érotique de sa poésie l ont… … Wikipédia en Français
Liu Yong — 柳永 Liu Yong (987 1053) era un escritor chino. Vivió entre cortesanas y su vida inspiró cuentos y óperas. Categorías: Escritores de ChinaEscritores en chinoEscritores chinos de la dinastía SongNacidos en 987Fallecidos en 1053 … Wikipedia Español
Liu Yong — 柳永 Liu Yong (siglo XI) era un escritor chino. Vivió entre cortesanas y su vida inspiró cuentos y óperas … Enciclopedia Universal