Книга: «Waybuloo Bumpy Line Colouring Book»

Waybuloo Bumpy Line Colouring Book

Производитель: "Egmont"

This title features a special glittered UV border which replaces the printed black line. This helps young children develop their motor skills and gives a more tactile guide to staying in the lines, making it easier and more satisfying for them to produce.`Waybuloo`, this bumpy line book is a great way to practice your colouring skills! With bumpy edges to help you stay in the lines and make lots of colourful pictures of Lau Lau, Nok Tok, Yo JoJo and De Li.

Издательство: "Egmont" (2009)

ISBN: 978-1-4052-4796-2

Купить за 329 грн (только Украина) в


biographical name see Egmond

Источник: Egmont

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Waybuloo Bumpy Line Colouring BookThis title features a special glittered UV border which replaces the printed black line. This helps young children develop their motor skills and gives a more tactile guide to staying in the lines… — Egmont, - Подробнее...2009
254бумажная книга
Waybuloo Bumpy Line Colouring BookThis title features a special glittered UV border which replaces the printed black line. This helps young children develop their motor skills and gives a more tactile guide to staying in the lines… — Egmont, Подробнее...2009
329бумажная книга

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