Книга: Isabel Allende «La ciudad de las bestias»
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Производитель: "Debolsillo" Alexander Cold es un muchacho americano de quince anos que parte al Amazonas con su abuela Kate, periodista especializada en viajes. La expedicion se interna en la selva en busca de una extrana bestia gigantesca. Junto con su companera de viaje, Nadia Santos, у un centenario chaman indigena, Alex conocera un mundo sorprendente. El universo ya conocido de Isabel Allende se amplia en La Ciudad de las Bestias con nuevos elementos de realismo magico, aventura у naturaleza. Los jovenes protagonistas, Nadia у Alexander, se internan en la inexplorada selvaamazonica llevando de la mano al lector en un viaje sin pausa por un territorio misterioso donde se borran los limites entre la realidad у el suefio, donde hombres у dioses se confunden, donde los espiritus andan de la mano con los vivos. ISBN:978-84-9793-569-2 Издательство: "Debolsillo" (2011) Формат: 125x190, 304 стр.
ISBN: 978-84-9793-569-2 |
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De amor y de sombra | Esta es la historia de una mujer у de un hombre que se amaron en plenitud, salvandose asi de una existencia vulgar. Segunda novela de Isabel Allende, De amor у de sombra es un agudo testimonio de… — Debolsillo, (формат: 125x190, 320 стр.) Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
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La casa de los espiritus | `La casa de los espfritus` narra la saga familiar de los Trueba, desde principios del siglo xx hasta nuestra epoca. Magistralmente ambientada en algun lugar de America Latina, la novela sigue paso a… — Debolsillo, (формат: 125x190мм, 464 стр.) Contemporanea Подробнее... | бумажная книга |
Isabel Allende
Infobox Writer
name = Isabel Allende
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website = http://www.isabelallende.com/
Isabel Allende Llona, (born in Biography Allende was born in Lima, Peru to diplomat Tomás Allende, the Allende attended a number of private schools in Lebanon and Chile and was also briefly home-schooled. The young Isabel also read widely, particularly the works of From 1959 to 1965, Allende worked with the Reportedly, "the CIA-backed military coup in [September of] 1973 (that brought During a visit to In 2006, she was one of the eight flag bearers at the Opening Ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy. In 2008, Allende received the honorary degree Doctor of Humane Letters from San Francisco State University for her "distinguished contributions as a literary artist and humanitarian." [San Francisco State University 2008 Commencement Program] Literary career Beginning in 1967, Allende was on the editorial staff for "Paula" magazine, and from 1969 to 1974 for the children's magazine "Mampato", where she later was the Editor."Life at a glance." In Allende's time in Venezuela, she was a freelance journalist for "El Nacional" in In 1981, when Allende learned that her grandfather, aged 99, was on his deathbed, she started writing him a letter that later evolved into a book manuscript, " Allende's books have since became known for their vivid storytelling. Allende's trademark is the use of emotive words and phrases and, of course, the style of Allende's book "Paula" (1995) is a memoir of her childhood in Santiago, and her years in exile. It was written in the form of a letter to her daughter Paula, who lay in a coma in the hospital in Spain. Paula had Reportedly, "Allende's impact on not only Latin American literature but also on world literature cannot be overestimated." The She has three movies of her books currently in production--Aphrodite, Eva Luna and Gift for a Sweetheart. Her last book is a memoir, "The Sum of Our Days." It was published in 2008 and looks at her recent life with her immediate family, which includes her grown son, Nicolás; second husband, William Gordon; and several grandchildren. Works *" Other Contributions "Afterword", References ources *"Isabel Allende, Award-Winning Latin American Author" by Mary Main (2005) - ISBN 0-7660-2488-1 External links * [http://www.isabelallende.com/ Isabel Allende's Official Website] Persondata Источник: Isabel Allende
*"Of Love and Shadows" (1985) "De amor y de sombra"
*"Paula" (1995)
*"Aphrodite" (1998) "Afrodita"
*"Zorro" (2005) "El Zorro"
*"The Sum of Our Days: A Memoir" (2008) "La suma de los días"o
* Bautista Gutierrez, Gloria and Corrales-Martin, Norma; Pinceledas Literarias Latinoamericanas, John Wiley and Sons, 2004
* [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0021196/ Isabel Allende's IMDb Site]
* [http://www.isabelallendefoundation.org/english/about_isabel.html Isabel Allende Foundation]
* [http://justcauseit.com/articles/just-10-questions-isabelle-allende JUST 10 Questions for Isabel Allende] at JUST CAUSE Magazine.
* [http://www.antonellagambottoburke.com/NonfictionReviewZorro.htm Critique of Zorro: A Novel]
* [http://books.guardian.co.uk/authors/author/0,5917,-3,00.html Guardian Books "Author Page"] , with profile and links to further articles.
* [http://www.thelavinagency.com/usa/isabelallende.html Lavin Agency "Speaker Page"] , with speaker profile
*isfdb name|id=Isabel_Allende|name=Isabel Allende
* [http://www.threemonkeysonline.com/article_isabel_allende_interview.htm "Memories, Fight and Fantasy at the Hand of the Great Superhero of the Spanish Narrative" - Isabel Allende in a 2006 interview]
* [http://www.the-ledge.com/flash/ledge.php?conversation=41&lan=UK Interview on The Ledge] , an independent platform for world literature. Includes excerpt and audio.
* [http://www.literaturfestival.com/bios1_3_6_955.html Biography from the international literature festival berlin]
* [http://www.ted.com/talks/view/id/204 Isabel Allende's talk at TED fimed in March 2007]
* [http://www.nybooks.com/articles/21790 'The Knife by the Handle at Last']
NAME= Allende, Isabel
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