Книга: «Homework Helpers. Spelling for School»

Homework Helpers. Spelling for School

Производитель: "Ladybird"

От издателя: "Help for Homework Spelling" is a quick and easy reference guide for children to use either at home or at school." Spelling" covers key rules and facts to help children to spell words correctly and feel motivated and confident in their writing.

Формат: 115x170мм, 32стр. стр.

ISBN: 9781409302230

Купить за 64 грн (только Украина) в магазине Yakaboo


Ladybird La"dy*bird`, n. [Equiv. to, bird of Our Lady.] (Zo["o]l.) Any one of numerous species of small beetles of the genus {Coccinella} and allied genera (family {Coccinellid[ae]}); -- called also {ladybug}, {ladyclock}, {lady cow}, {lady fly}, {ladybeetle}, and {lady beetle}. {Coccinella seplempunctata} in one of the common European species. See {Coccinella}. [1913 Webster]

Note: The ladybirds are usually more or less hemispherical in form, with a smooth, polished surface, and often colored red, brown, or black, with small spots of brighter colors. Both the larv[ae] and the adult beetles of most species feed on aphids, and for this reason they are very beneficial to agriculture and horticulture. [1913 Webster]

Источник: Ladybird

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Homework Helpers. Spelling for SchoolОт издателя: "Help for Homework Spelling" is a quick and easy reference guide for children to use either at home or at school." Spelling" covers key rules and facts to help children to… — (формат: 115x170мм, 32стр. стр.) Подробнее...2009
64бумажная книга
LadybirdHomework Helpers: Spelling for SchoolHelp for Homework Spelling is a quick and easy reference guide for children to use either at home or at school. Spelling covers key rules and facts to help children to spell words correctly and feel… — Ladybird Books Ltd, Подробнее...2009
344бумажная книга

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