Книга: «Collins Cobuild Key Words for Mechanical Engineering»

Collins Cobuild Key Words for Mechanical Engineering

Производитель: "HarperCollins Publishers"

От издателя:Collins COBUILD Key Words for Mechanical Engineering is a brand-new vocabulary book aimed at anyone who wants to study or work in the field of mechanical engineering. The title contains the 500 most important words and phrases you will need to succeed and includes practice material to make sure you really learn them.

Формат: 130x197мм, 192стр. стр.

ISBN: 9780007489787

Купить за 286 грн (только Украина) в магазине Yakaboo

HarperCollins Publishers

 Formerly Harper & Row.

Источник: HarperCollins Publishers

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Collins Cobuild Key Words for Mechanical EngineeringCollins COBUILD Key Words for Mechanical Engineering is a brand-new vocabulary book aimed at anyone who wants to study or work in the field of mechanical engineering. The title contains the 500 most… — HarperCollins Publishers, Cobuild Подробнее...2013
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Collins Cobuild Key Words for Mechanical Engineering (+ CD)Collins COBUILD Key Words for Mechanical Engineering is a brand-new vocabulary book aimed at anyone who wants to study or work in the field of mechanical engineering. The title contains the 500 most… — HarperCollins Publishers. Children's Book, (формат: 130x195, 192 стр.) Collins Cobuild Подробнее...2013
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Collins Cobuild Key Words for Mechanical Engineering (+ CD)Collins COBUILD Key Words for Mechanical Engineering is a brand-new vocabulary book aimed at anyone who wants to study or work in the field of mechanical engineering. The title contains the 500 most… — HarperCollins Publishers. Children s Book, (формат: 130x195мм, 192 стр.) Cobuild Подробнее...2013
1590бумажная книга
Collins Cobuild Key Words for Mechanical EngineeringОт издателя:Collins COBUILD Key Words for Mechanical Engineering is a brand-new vocabulary book aimed at anyone who wants to study or work in the field of mechanical engineering. The title… — (формат: 130x197мм, 192стр. стр.) Подробнее...2013
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Key Words for Mechanical Engineering MP3 CD CEF level В 1 IntermediateCollins COBUILD Key Words for Mechanical Engineering is a brand-new vocabulary book aimed at anyone who wants to study or work in the field of mechanical engineering. The title contains the 500 most… — (формат: Мягкая глянцевая, 176 стр.) Подробнее...2013
875бумажная книга

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