Книга: Michael Kitson «Barok a Rokoko»

Barok a Rokoko

Obrazove nadherne dokumentovany svazek se obira barokni dobou - onim puldruhym stoletim, vrcholicim Francouzskou revoluci a patficim к nejzafivejsi ere v dejinach umeni. О umeleckych postupech baroka si lze udelat jasnou pfedstavu z dvou set nazornych ilustraci, z nichz polovina je barevna; byla to doba intenzivni aktivity, vyznacujici se rozmanitosti pfistupu a technickou brilanci. V uvodni kapitole nastinuje Michael Kitson historicke pozadi doby v systemu nabozenskeho zivota a hospodafskych podminek. Pod cirkevni patronanci vznikaly velkolepe barokni chramove stavby, panovnici a slechta soutezili v budovani svych sidel a palacu, jejichz vyzdoba skvelymi freskami, portrety, reliefy a sochami nema obdoby. Jednotlive kapitoly Kitsonovy knihy obiraji se okruhem temat zvlast' pfiznacnych pro toto obdobi. Autor akcentuje silu a drama baroku, jeho vizualni nadheru umocncnou dynamickymi kfivkami a pohybem, citlive poukazuje na jeho hlavniho pfedstavitele sochafe Gianlorenza...

Издательство: "Артия" (1972)

Формат: 210x290, 188 стр.

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Michael Kitson

Michael William Lely Kitson (born Ealing, Middlesex, on 30 January 1926, died Islington, London, 7 August 1998) was an English art historian.



Kitson was the son of the Reverend Bernard Meredith Kitson, a Church of England clergyman, and his wife Helen May Lely. The novelist Anthony Trollope and the painter Sir Peter Lely were among his ancestors.


Kitson was educated at Gresham's School and King's College, Cambridge, where he read English (1944-45 and 1948-50), and at the Courtauld Institute of Art (1950–1952).

War service

His three years at King's College, Cambridge, were interrupted in 1945 when he was commissioned into the Royal Engineers and attached to security intelligence Middle East, based in Egypt. He left the army in 1948 and returned to Cambridge.


In 1952, he joined the Slade School of Fine Art at University College, London, as an assistant lecturer in the history of art. He moved on to the Courtauld Institute, London, as a lecturer from 1955 to 1967 and as a reader from 1967 to 1978. He became Professor of the History of Art there in 1978 and was deputy director of the Institute from 1980 to 1985.

In 1985, Kitson became Director of Studies at the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, London, a British educational charity with close links to Yale University.

Kitson became an international authority on Claude Lorrain and organized the first Lorrain exhibition at the Hayward Gallery, London, in 1969. In 1978 he catalogued the Liber Veritatis, Lorrain's own drawings of his paintings, for the British Museum and later wrote the article on Lorrain for the Macmillan Dictionary of Art (1996).

He shared an interest in 17th century French painting with Anthony Blunt and later wrote the article on Blunt for the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

After his death in August 1998, a memorial service was held at St Clement Danes on 23 October 1998, with an address by Neil MacGregor, Director of the National Gallery.


  • J. M. W. Turner (Barnes & Noble, 1963)
  • English painting (Art of the Western World) (Golden Press, London, 1964)
  • Frans Hals (1965)
  • The Age of Baroque: Landmarks of the World's Art, Architecture, Sculpture, Portraits, Landscapes, Interior Decoration (Paul Hamlyn, London, 1966)
  • Claude Lorrain, Liber veritatis (British Museum Publications, London, 1978) ISBN 0714107484
  • The Art of Claude Lorrain (Arts Council, London, 1969)
  • The Complete Paintings of Caravaggio (London, Abrams, 1967, new edition Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1969 and 1986, ISBN 978-0297761082)
  • Rembrandt (Phaidon Press, editions in 1969, 1971, 1978 and 1994)
  • Discovering the Italian Baroque by Gabriele Finaldi and Michael Kitson (catalogue of Sir Denis Mahon's collection) (National Gallery, 1997) ISBN 1857091779
  • The Seeing Eye: Critical Writings on Art Michael Kitson (a collection of essays) (Mnemosyne Press, 2008) ISBN 978-0952597018
  • Complete Bibliography


On 8 July 1950 he married Annabella, the daughter of John Leslie Cloudsley. They had two sons.

In the 1980s Kitson became the partner of Judith Colton 1, an American art scholar.


Источник: Michael Kitson

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Michael KitsonBarok a RokokoObrazove nadherne dokumentovany svazek se obira barokni dobou - onim puldruhym stoletim, vrcholicim Francouzskou revoluci a patficim к nejzafivejsi ere v dejinach umeni. О umeleckych postupech… — Артия, (формат: 210x290, 188 стр.) Подробнее...1972
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