Книга: Eugenio Battisti «Filippo Brunelleschi»
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The Florentine architect and sculptor Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446) was a key figure in the Italian Renaissance. This comprehensive monograph, written by the respected art historian Eugenio Battisti, considers Brunelleschi's major contribution to Renaissance culture, discussing his interpretation of classical antiquity and his experiments with perspective. These led to the development of a rational architectural language where every single part is harmoniously blended and in proportion with the whole. This approach underpinned all of his architecture, and helped him to adapt antique forms to the needs of the Christian religion. This book is a detailed record of all Brunelleschi's major architectural works including The Foundling Hospital (c. 1419-45), the Pazzi Chapel (c. 1441-1460) and the technically innovative dome of S Maria del Fiore (c. 1420-1436) that dominates the Florence skyline and is thought to contain more than four million bricks. The book also includes his military... Издательство: "Phaidon Press" (2012) Формат: 250x260, 400 стр.
ISBN: 978-1-78075-001-9 Купить за 5590 руб на Озоне |
Eugenio Battisti
Eugenio Battisti (* 1924; † 1989) war ein italienischer Kunsthistoriker und -kritiker.
Battisti lehrte an der Universität Genua und veröffentlichte rund 900 Bücher und Artikel, darunter regelmäßige Kulomnen in der Tageszeitung "Il Mondo" und Beiträge für die Enciclopedia Universale dell'Arte.Seine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn führte ihn außerdem an die Pennsylvania State University und nach Rom, wo er Ordinarius für Architekturgeschichte an der Universität Tor Vergata war. Heute trägt das Museum für Industrie und Arbeit im oberitalienischen Brescia seinen Namen: Museo dell'Industria e del Lavoro "Eugenio Battisti.
Ausgewählte Schriften
- L'antirinascimento, Mailand 1964
- Filippo Brunelleschi, Mailand 1976
- Piero della Francesca, Mailand 1971 und 1990
- Cimabue, Mailand 1963 und Pennsylvania University Press
auf Deutsch:
- Hochrenaissance und Manierismus, Baden-Baden 1979
- Der Bildhauer Michelangelo, ins Dt. übertr. von Barbara Schütz, Herrsching 1989 - ISBN 3-88199-546-3
- Filippo Brunelleschi, Berlin 2002
- Kunsthistoriker
- Italiener
- Geboren 1924
- Gestorben 1989
- Mann
Источник: Eugenio Battisti
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Eugenio Battisti | Filippo Brunelleschi | The Florentine architect and sculptor Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446) was a key figure in the Italian Renaissance. This comprehensive monograph, written by the respected art historian Eugenio… — Phaidon Press, (формат: 250x260, 400 стр.) Подробнее... | 2012 | 5590 | бумажная книга |
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