Книга: James Schofield, Evan Frendo «Double Dealing: Student Book (Double Dealing Upper Intermedi)»

Double Dealing: Student Book (Double Dealing Upper Intermedi)


ISBN: 1902741536

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James Schofield

HotelBabylon character
name = James Schofield

gender = Male
playedby = Ray Coulthard ["http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2008/02_february/08/babylon_beesley.shtml, 8th February 2008, Correct as of 07th March 2008"]
job = Restaurant Manager
pastpos = None Known
firstappe = Season 1, Episode 1
lastappe = Current Character

James Schofield is a fictional character in the BBC1 drama "Hotel Babylon", played by Ray Coulthard. He is the food and beverage manager, although in series three it was revealed that he is on a permanent diet, after having lost of weight following the advice of a man who stayed at the hotel. James has been called an 'anti-food fascist' by Otto Clark.

From the beginning of the series, James is shown to be somewhat socially conservative, serving as something of a foil for Gino, who has more of a sympathy for the poor and less fortunate stemming from his own upbringing. In series two, James is also shown to have a gambling addiction.


Источник: James Schofield

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James Schofield, Evan FrendoDouble Dealing: Student Book (Double Dealing Upper Intermedi)Подробнее...2006
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