Книга: Hertz Joseph Herman «A Book of Jewish Thoughts»

A Book of Jewish Thoughts

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Hertz, Joseph Herman

▪ British rabbi
born Sept. 25, 1872, Rebrény, Hung.
died Jan. 14, 1946, London

      chief rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth and author of books on Judaism and of influential commentaries on the Bible expressing a fundamentalist viewpoint.

      Emigrating to New York City as a boy, he was the first rabbinical graduate of the newly founded Jewish Theological Seminary of America. After serving as spiritual leader of a synagogue in Syracuse, N.Y. (1894–96), he was appointed rabbi in Johannesburg. His pro-British sympathies in the South African (Boer) War and his vigorous opposition to government-imposed religious restrictions on Jews and Roman Catholics provoked Pres. Paul Kruger to expel him from South Africa. After the war, Hertz returned to his post, a position he retained until 1911. From 1906 to 1908 he also served as professor of philosophy at Transvaal University College, now the University of Pretoria.

      Hertz was elected to his post as chief rabbi in England in 1913. His career in that position was a colourful one. He attacked the newly formed Liberal Jewish movement (a movement more or less equivalent to U.S. Reform Judaism). His powerful attacks on anti-Semitism included one, in the presence of the Russian ambassador, against Russian discrimination.

      A strong opponent of the “higher criticism” of the Pentateuch (Five Books of Moses), which ascribed the books to composite human authorship or editing based on various original documents, Hertz sought to reconcile the Orthodox Jewish view of the divine revelation of Scriptures with the findings of modern science. His English commentaries on the Pentateuch and on the prayer book have been widely used by Orthodox and Conservative Jews. His anthology, A Book of Jewish Thoughts (1920), was translated into several languages and went through many editions. In 1925 he was made a governor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Hertz, a zealous Zionist, played an important role in eliciting the Balfour Declaration in 1917 (a British declaration supporting a Jewish homeland in Palestine) and, later, enthusiastically implemented its policies.

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Источник: Hertz, Joseph Herman

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Hertz Joseph HermanA Book of Jewish ThoughtsКнига представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… — Книга по Требованию, - Подробнее...2010
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Hertz Joseph HA book of Jewish thoughts, selected and arranged by the chief rabbi, J. H. HertzКнига представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по… — Книга по Требованию, - Подробнее...2010
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