Книга: Kuznetsova Anastasia, Butera Jean Batist «Fire Smoldering Under Water»
This event was expected! The book about people’s stories and psychological traumas written by authors who had personal experiences themselves and now work with it. Russian psychologist Anastasiya Kuznetsova and Belgian psychotherapist Jean Batist Butera tell about the most intimate without any fantasy and censorship. The frankness in the narration of their own suffering from distressing life experiences is unique! The person is born for creation and joy and tragedies can’t stop it. Издательство: "Prospekt"
ISBN: 9785392226825 |
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Anastasia Kuznetsova | Fire Smoldering Under Water | This event was expected! The book about people’s stories and psychological traumas written by authors who had personal experiences themselves and now work with it. Russian psychologist Anastasiya… — Издательские решения, электронная книга Подробнее... | 352 | электронная книга |
См. также в других словарях:
Fire — For other uses, see Fire (disambiguation). An outdoor fire using wood, termed a bonfire … Wikipedia
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University of Notre Dame Fire Department — Established 1879 Staffing Career Strength 17 full time 30 part time Stations 1 Engines 2 … Wikipedia
Cocoanut Grove fire — The Cocoanut Grove was Boston s premier nightclub during the post Prohibition 1930s and 40s. On November 28, 1942, occurred the scene of what remains the deadliest nightclub fire, killing 492 people (which in itself was 32 more than the building… … Wikipedia
1871 Great Chicago Fire — The Great Chicago Fire was a conflagration that burned from Sunday October 8 to early Tuesday October 10, 1871, killing hundreds and destroying about four square miles in Chicago, Illinois. Though the fire was one of the largest U.S. disasters of … Wikipedia