Книга: Miller Henry «Plexus»
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Серия: "-" The second volume of The Rosy Crucifixion, Plexus is the core of the trilogy, the audacious story of a man looking for freedom and the true life of the spirit. It finds the young Henry Miller in the midst of his second tumultuous marriage with the dance hall hostess Mona, as he is constantly challenged by her volatile personality, and takes readers back to his childhood in early 20th century Brooklyn as well as his first attempts at becoming a writer. Funny and shocking, erotic and philosophical, the trilogy tells, according to Miller, "the story of the most tragic suffering any man had endured" . Издательство: "Penguin Group" (2015)
ISBN: 978-0-14-139912-6 Купить за 937 руб в My-shop |
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Plexus (изд. 2015 г. ) | The second volume of The Rosy Crucifixion, Plexus is the core of the trilogy, the audacious story of a man looking for freedom and the true life of the spirit. It finds the young Henry Miller in the… — Penguin Group, Подробнее... | бумажная книга |
Miller, Henry
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Источник: Miller, Henry
См. также в других словарях:
PLEXUS — Ensemble de carrefours anatomiques constitués par l’entrecroisement de plusieurs rameaux nerveux ou par l’interconnexion de troncs vasculaires. plexus [ plɛksys ] n. m. • 1541; mot lat. « entrelacement », de plectere « tresser » ♦ Anat. Réseau de … Encyclopédie Universelle
Plexus — (vom lateinischen plectere, flechten) bezeichnet: ein Netzwerk das Adern , Lymphgefäß oder Nervengeflecht in der Medizin, siehe Plexus (Medizin) eine Zeitschrift für Personal aus den Bereichen Anästhesie und Intensivbehandlung, siehe Plexus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Plexus — Plex us, n.; pl. L. {Plexus}, E. {Plexuses}. [L., a twining, braid, fr. plectere, plexum, to twine, braid.] 1. (Anat.) A network of vessels, nerves, or fibers. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) The system of equations required for the complete expression … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plexus — Plex us, n.; pl. L. {Plexus}, E. {Plexuses}. [L., a twining, braid, fr. plectere, plexum, to twine, braid.] 1. (Anat.) A network of vessels, nerves, or fibers. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) The system of equations required for the complete expression … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
plexus — [plek′səs] n. pl. plexuses or plexus [ModL < L, a twining, braid < pp. of plectere, to twine, braid; akin to plicare: see PLY1] 1. a complexly interconnected arrangement of parts; network 2. Anat. a network of blood vessels, lymphatic… … English World dictionary
plexus — [ pleksəs ] see SOLAR PLEXUS … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English