Электронная книга: Donatella Cesare Di «Torture»
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Torture is not as universally condemned as it once was. From Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib prisons to the death of Giulio Regeni, countless recent cases have shocked public opinion. But if we want to defend the human dignity that torture violates, simple indignation is not enough. In this important book, Donatella Di Cesare provides a critical perspective on torturein all its dimensions. She seeks to capture the peculiarity of an extreme and methodical violence where the tormentor calculates and measures out pain so that he can hold off the victim’s death, allowing him to continue to exercise his sovereign power. For the victim, being tortured is like experiencing his own death while he is still alive. Torture is a threat wherever the defenceless find themselves in the hands of the strong: in prisons, in migrant camps, in nursing homes, in centres for the disabled and in institutions for minors. This impassioned book will appeal to students and scholars of philosophy and political theory as well as to anyone committed to defending human rights as universal and inviolable. Издательство: "John Wiley&Sons Limited (USD)"
ISBN: 9781509524389 электронная книга Купить за 4224.32 руб и скачать на Litres |
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См. также в других словарях:
Torture — Torture, according to the United Nations Convention Against Torture, is any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him, or a third person,… … Wikipedia
Torturé — Torture Supplice de la roue. La torture est l imposition volontaire de sévices d ordre physique ou psychologique qui visent à faire souffrir un individu. Lorsque la torture accompagne l exécution d une condamnation à mort on parle plutôt de… … Wikipédia en Français
TORTURE — Un traité de police judiciaire datant de 1951 et conçu à l’usage des commissaires et officiers de police conseillait: «Il existe un degré inférieur de torture qui ne tombe pas sous le coup de la loi, qui ne vicie même pas la procédure et qui aide … Encyclopédie Universelle
torture — Torture. s. f. Gesne, tourment qu on fait souffrir à quelqu un par ordre de justice, pour luy faire confesser la verité. Cruelle torture, horrible torture. mettre à la torture. donner la torture. appliquer à la torture. souffrir la torture. estre … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Torture — Torture … Википедия
Torture — Tor ture (t[^o]r t[ u]r; 135), n. [F., fr. L. tortura, fr. torquere, tortum, to twist, rack, torture; probably akin to Gr. tre pein to turn, G. drechseln to turn on a lathe, and perhaps to E. queer. Cf. {Contort}, {Distort}, {Extort}, {Retort},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English