Электронная книга: Lifeng Zhang «CFD Modeling and Simulation in Materials Processing 2016»
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This collection explores computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling and simulation of engineering processes, with contributions from researchers and engineers involved in the modeling of multiscale and multiphase phenomena in material processing systems. The papers cover the following processes: Iron and Steelmaking (Tundish, Casting, Converter, Blast Furnace); Microstructure Evolution; Casting with External Field Interaction; and Smelting, Degassing, Ladle Processing, Mechanical Mixing, and Ingot Casting. The collection also covers applications of CFD to engineering processes, and demonstrates how CFD can help scientists and engineers to better understand the fundamentals of engineering processes. Издательство: "John Wiley&Sons Limited"
ISBN: 9781119274728 электронная книга Купить за 15440.38 руб и скачать на Litres |
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CFD Modeling and Simulation in Materials Processing | Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Association for Iron and Steel Technology and the Process Technology and Modeling Committee of the Extraction and Processing Division and the Solidification… — John Wiley&Sons Limited, электронная книга Подробнее... | электронная книга | ||
EPD Congress 2015 | EPD Congress is an annual collection of conference proceedings that addresses extraction and processing metallurgy. The papers in this book are drawn from symposia held at the 2015 Annual Meeting of… — John Wiley&Sons Limited, электронная книга Подробнее... | электронная книга |
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