Электронная книга: Daniel Otzen Erik «Amyloid Fibrils and Prefibrillar Aggregates. Molecular and Biological Properties»
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Summing up almost a decade of biomedical research, this topical and eagerly awaited handbook is the first reference on the topic to incorporate recent breakthroughs in amyloid research. The first part covers the structural biology of amyloid fibrils and pre-fibrillar assemblies, including a description of current models for amyloid formation. The second part looks at the diagnosis and biomedical study of amyloid in humans and in animal models, while the final section discusses pharmacological approaches to manipulating amyloid and also looks at its physiological roles in lower and higher organisms. For Biochemists, Molecular Biologists, Neurobiologists, Neurophysiologists and those working in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Издательство: "John Wiley&Sons Limited"
ISBN: 9783527654215 электронная книга Купить за 15134.89 руб и скачать на Litres |
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