Книга: Le Guin U. «Lavinia»
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Серия: "-" Lavinia is the daughter of the King of Latium, a victorious warrior who loves peace; she is her father's closest companion. Now of an age to wed, Lavinia's mother favours her own kinsman, King Turnus of Rutulia, handsome, heroic, everything a young girl should want. Instead, Lavinia dreams of mighty Aeneas, a man she has heard of only from a ghost of a poet, who comes to her in the gods'holy place and tells her of her future, and Aeneas'past. If she refuses to wed Turnus, Lavinia knows she will start a war - but her fate was set the moment the poet appeared to her in a dream and told her of the adventurer who fled fallen Troy, holding his son's hand and carrying his father on his back. Издательство: "Orion Books" (2010)
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Tales From Earthsea. Short Stories | These five superlative, evocative and enchanting stories range from a few hundred years before A Wizard of Earthsea to just before The Other Wind, and feature some of Le Guin`s most popular… — Orion Books, Подробнее... | бумажная книга |
См. также в других словарях:
Lavinia — steht für: Lavinia (römische Mythologie), die Tochter des Latinus und der Amata in der römischen Mythologie Lavinia (Gattung), eine Gattung der Leuciscinae, einer Unterfamilie der Karpfenfische eine Figur in William Shakespeares Titus Andronicus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lavínia — Administration Pays Brésil Région Microrégion d Andradina État … Wikipédia en Français
Lavinia — Lavinia, miniature d un manuscrit médiéval du De mulieribus claris de Boccace, Bibliothèque nationale de France. Dans la mythologie romaine, Lavinia est la fille de Latinus (roi des Latins) et d Amata. Elle était la fiancée de … Wikipédia en Français
Lavinia — era hija de Latino, el rey de los latinos; y de Amata. Eneas llegó al Lacio en la península itálica, después de la guerra de Troya, tras superar numerososos obstáculos, y allí estableció una alianza con el rey. Además se unió a Lavinia, que había … Wikipedia Español
Lavinia — (Сеул,Южная Корея) Категория отеля: 1 звездочный отель Адрес: 6F, 30 1, Ikseon dong, Чонногу … Каталог отелей
LAVINIA — Latini Regis et Amatae filia, primum Turnodesponsata; Verum cum Latinus postea Fauni patris oraculis externo eam genero locare iuberetur, denuo eam Aeneae despondit. Vide Latinus. Mortuo vero Aeneâ, Lavinia, quae praegnans relicta erat, privigni… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale