Электронная книга: Leon Malin «End of the President. Agency Amur»
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If you read the stories of Vitaly Mushkin’s “President’s Sex” and President’s Sex 2”, then certainly interested in the fate of the protagonist – Artem-President. Here, in this narrative of Leon Malin describes the continuation of the sexual adventures of Artem, until his tragic death. The story “End of the President” canbe considered the end of the trilogy. Издательство: "Издательские решения"
ISBN: 9785449337542 электронная книга Купить за 60 руб и скачать на Litres |
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Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… … Universalium