Электронная книга: Weston Stacey M. «Fusion Plasma Physics»
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This revised and enlarged second edition of the popular textbook and reference contains comprehensive treatments of both the established foundations of magnetic fusion plasma physics and of the newly developing areas of active research. It concludes with a look ahead to fusion power reactors of the future. The well-established topics of fusion plasma physics– basic plasma phenomena, Coulomb scattering, drifts of charged particles in magnetic and electric fields, plasma confinement by magnetic fields, kinetic and fluid collective plasma theories, plasma equilibria and flux surface geometry, plasma waves and instabilities, classical and neoclassical transport, plasma-materials interactions, radiation, etc. – are fully developed from first principles through to the computational models employed in modern plasma physics. The new and emerging topics of fusion plasma physics research – fluctuation-driven plasma transport and gyrokinetic/gyrofluid computational methodology, the physics of the divertor,neutral atom recycling and transport, impurity ion transport, the physics of the plasma edge (diffusive and non-diffusive transport, MARFEs, ELMs, the L-H transition, thermal-radiative instabilities, shear suppression of transport, velocity spin-up), etc. – are comprehensively developed and related to the experimental evidence. Operational limits on the performance of future fusion reactors are developed from plasma physics and engineering constraints, and conceptual designs of future fusion power reactors are discussed. Издательство: "John Wiley&Sons Limited"
ISBN: 9783527669547 электронная книга Купить за 13736.34 руб и скачать на Litres |
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Fusion. An Introduction to the Physics and Technology of Magnetic Confinement Fusion | This second edition of a popular textbook is thoroughly revised with around 25% new and updated content. It provides an introduction to both plasma physics and fusion technology at a level that can… — John Wiley&Sons Limited, электронная книга Подробнее... | электронная книга | ||
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См. также в других словарях:
Plasma (physics) — For other uses, see Plasma. Plasma lamp, illustrating some of the more complex phenomena of a plasma, including filamentation. The colors are a result of relaxation of electrons in excited states to lower energy states after they have recombined… … Wikipedia
Plasma Physics Laboratory (Saskatchewan) — The Plasma Physics Laboratory at the University of Saskatchewan was established in 1959 by H. M. Skarsgard. Early work centered on research with a Betatron.FacilitiesTOR 1MSTOR 1M is Canada s first tokamak built in 1983. In 1987 STOR 1M was the… … Wikipedia
Pinch (plasma physics) — For other uses, see Pinch (disambiguation). Lightning bolts illustrating electromagnetically pinched plasma filaments … Wikipedia
James Clerk Maxwell Prize in Plasma Physics — The James Clerk Maxwell Prize in Plasma Physics Awarded for Outstanding contributions to the field of Plasma Physics Presented by American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Country United States First awarded 1975 … Wikipedia
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory — (PPPL) is a United States Department of Energy national laboratory for plasma physics and nuclear fusion science located just east of Princeton University s main campus in Princeton, New Jersey. Its primary mission is to develop the scientific… … Wikipedia
Beta (plasma physics) — The beta of a plasma, symbolized by β , is the ratio of the plasma pressure ( p = n k B T ) to the magnetic pressure ( p mag = B ²/2 μ 0).eta = frac{p}{p {mag = frac{n k B T}{(B^2/2mu 0)} [ Wesson, J: Tokamaks , 3rd edition page 115, Oxford… … Wikipedia