Электронная книга: Emmanuel Carrère «Limonov»


Limonov ei ole väljamõeldud tegelane. Ta on olemas. Ma tunnen teda. Ta on olnud ukraina pätt, Brežnevi-aegse nõukogude underground-kultuuri iidol, New Yorgi paadialune ja Manhattani miljardäri teener. Menukirjanik Pariisis. Ta osales Balkani sõdades ja lõpuks sai temast kommunismijärgse Venemaa tohutu segaduse keskel noorte desperaadode partei vana karismaatiline juht. Ta ise näeb endas kangelast, kuid sama hästi võib teda pidada lurjuseks. Mina talle hinnangut ei anna. Emmanuel Carrère Emmanuel Carrère (snd 1957) on üks praeguse aja mõjukamaid prantsuse kirjanikke. Puhtast ilukirjandusest alustanud ja juba sellega tuntuks saanud autor on paari viimase aastakümne jooksul liikunud dokumentaalromaani radadel. Just selles žanris on ta välja kujundanud selgesti äratuntava omailma. Carrère’i uus lähenemine sai alguse võikal tõsielulool põhinevast raamatust „Vaenlane” (e.k 2002). Carrère’i dokumentaalromaane iseloomustab autori jõuline kohalolek, kuid samas loobumine hinnangu andmisest. Carrère ei mõista kohut, vaid püüab mõista. Temaga on huvitav kaasas käia.

Издательство: "Eesti digiraamatute keskus OU" (2011)

ISBN: 9789985342824

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Emmanuel Carrère

Emmanuel Carrère (born in Paris on December 9, 1957) is a French author, screenwriter and director. He is the son of Louis Carrère d'Encausse and French historian Hélène Carrère d'Encausse.

Carrère studied at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris (better known as Sciences Po). Much of his writing, both fiction and nonfiction, centers around the primary themes of the interrogation of identity, the development of illusion and the direction of reality. Several of his books have been made into films; in 2005, he personally directed the film adaptation of his novel "La Moustache." He was the president of the jury of the book Inter 2003.


* "Werner Herzog" (1982) about the director of the same name.
* "L'Amie du jaguar" ("The Jaguar's Friend") (1983)
* "Bravoure" ("Bravery", translated as "Gothic Romance") (1984)
* "Le Détroit de Behring" ("The Behring Strait") (1986)
* "La Moustache" ("The Moustache") (1986), which he adapted himself into the film of the same name.
* "Hors d'atteinte ?" ("Out of Reach?") (1988)
* "Je suis vivant et vous êtes morts" ("I Am Alive and You Are Dead") (1993), a biography of Philip K. Dick.
* "La Classe de neige" ("Class Trip") (1995). Winner of the Prix Fémina, adapted in 1998 as the Claude Miller film of the same name.
* "L'Adversaire" ("The Adversary") (2000), nonfictional account of the life of the murderer Jean-Claude Romand, after the author corresponded with the criminal in jail (1993), and watched his trial (1996). In 2002, "L'Adversaire" was adapted into the film of the same name by director Nicole Garcia. The film "L'Emploi du temps" is also based on that story, but is not as faithful to truth.

elected filmography

* 1996 : "la Classe de Neige" by Claude Miller, adapted from his book of the same name.
* 1999 : "Angel", about the life of Elizabeth Taylor.
* 2002 : "L'Adversaire" by Nicole Garcia and Daniel Auteuil, screenwriter.
* 2003 : "Retour à Kotelnitch", director.
* 2005 : "La Moustache", director and screenwriter, along with Emmanuelle Devos and Vincent Lindon.

External links

* [http://www.mathieu-bourgois.com/photos-auteur.asp?Clef=627 Emmanuel Carrère] -- Photos by Mathieu Bourgois.
* [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0141127/ IMDB entry]

NAME=Carrere, Emmanuel
SHORT DESCRIPTION=French author and film director
DATE OF BIRTH=December 9, 1957
PLACE OF BIRTH=Paris, France

Источник: Emmanuel Carrère

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