Книга: Jerome K.Jerome «Diary of a Pilgrimage»
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Серия: "-" "Дневниковые очерки паломничества" Джерома К. Джерома, написанные с прекрасным чувством юмора, ни на секунду не заставят читателя скучать: невероятные приключения чистокровных английских джентльменов на просторе Германии, ужасы пуховых перин, немецких тесных вагонов и страх перед зловредными кондукторами! Но за ироничностью автора скрываются глубокие философские вопросы о жизни напоказ, истинной человечности, утопии всеобщего равенства... Читайте зарубежную литературу в оригинале! Издательство: "T8RUGRAM" (2017)
ISBN: 978-5-521-05191-5 Купить за 316 руб в My-shop |
Другие книги автора:
Книга | Описание | Год | Цена | Тип книги |
Three Men in a Boat | Сколько нужно джентльменов, чтобы открыть консервную банку? В многократно экранизированном романе "Трое в… — T8RUGRAM, - Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) | Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog), published in 1889, is a humorous account by Jerome K. Jerome of a boating holiday on the Thames between Kingston and Oxford. The book was intended… — T8RUGRAM, Original Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Three Men on the Bummel | Conceived as a fairly serious guide to amateur boating on the Thames in 1889, Jerome K. Jerome's best-known novel ended up as a hilarious account of the misadventures of three friends and a dog as… — T8RUGRAM, Original Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) | Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog), published in 1889, is a humorous account by Jerome K. Jerome of a boating holiday on the Thames between Kingston and Oxford. The book was intended… — T8RUGRAM, (формат: 60x90/16, 240 стр.) Original Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Three Men on the Bummel | Conceived as a fairly serious guide to amateur boating on the Thames in 1889, Jerome K. Jerome`s best-known novel ended up as a hilarious account of the misadventures of three friends and a dog as… — Т8RUGRAM, (формат: 60x90/16, 244 стр.) Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Diary of a Pilgrimage | Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859—1927) was an English writer and humourist. The pilgrimage of the title is a journey to see the famous Passion Play at Oberammergau, which has been performed every ten… — T8RUGRAM, Original Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Paul Kelver | Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859—1927) was an English writer and humourist. In the semi-autobiographical novel&# 171;Paul Kelver&# 187; details the eponymous narrator's rocky road through life, including… — T8RUGRAM, Original Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
My Life and Times | Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859—1927) was an English writer and humourist. An interesting and entertaining account of a life led in the literary circles of the Victorian and Edwardian eras — T8RUGRAM, Original Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Idle Ideas in 1905 | Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859—1927) was an English writer and humourist. This volume answers on such questions like&# 171;Are we as interesting as we think we are?&# 187;,&# 171;Should women be… — T8RUGRAM, Original Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow | Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859—1927) was an English writer and humourist.&# 171;Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow&# 187; is a collection of humorous and entertaining essays. These are his idle and… — T8RUGRAM, Original Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Malvina of Brittany and Other Stories | Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859—1927) was an English writer and humourist.&# 171;Malvina of Brittany&# 187; is a highly entertaining work that describes the life of Malvina, the Queen's attendant. This… — T8RUGRAM, Original Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Novel Notes | Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859—1927) was an English writer and humourist. The author sets himself a Herculean task, as main character in his own novel: to fictionally compose another novel, in… — T8RUGRAM, Original Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Sketches in Lavender, Blue and Green | Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859—1927) was an English writer and humourist.&# 171;Sketches in Lavender, Blue and Green&# 187; is a short story collection. This volume includes such interesting stories… — T8RUGRAM, Original Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
The Observations of Henry | Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859—1927) was an English writer and humourist.&# 171;The Observations of Henry&# 187; is the collection of wonderful tales told by the waiter Henry to the author, mostly… — T8RUGRAM, Original Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
The Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow | Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859—1927) was an English writer and humourist.&# 171;The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow&# 187; is a collection of humorous essays. This collection offers the author's witty… — T8RUGRAM, Original Подробнее... | бумажная книга |
См. также в других словарях:
Diary of a Pilgrimage — Three Men on the Bummel First edition … Wikipedia
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