Электронная книга: Balbo Cesare «Novelle»


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Della storia d'Italia dalle origini fino ai nostri giorni, sommario. v. 2 — Public Domain, электронная книга Подробнее...электронная книга

Balbo, Cesare

   One of the most prominent Piedmontese liberals, Balbo published in 1844 a hard-headed essay entitled Delle speranze d’Italia (The Hopes of Italy), which laid down a pragmatic policy for national unification that had immense influence on the political elite of Piedmont-Sardinia. Briefly, Balbo argued that all plans for the future of Italy were subordinate to ridding Italy of Austria, and that this desirable goal could only be achieved by the army of the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia, not by popular insurrection. No democrat, Balbo’s vision for Italy was a federation of constitutional monarchies guided by Piedmont. In 1847, together with Camillo Benso di Cavour, Balbo founded the influential moderate newspaper, Risorgimento. In March 1848, Balbo, who had played a prominent role in drawing up the so-called Statuto Albertino, became the first constitutional prime minister of Piedmont-Sardinia, an appointment that was confirmed by the first-ever free elections in Italy on 27 April 1848. His tenure as premier was brief. Following Piedmont’s defeat at Custozza in July 1848, Balbo’s government resigned. He died in his native Turin in 1853.
   See also Cattaneo, Carlo.

Источник: Balbo, Cesare

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