Электронная книга: Bouchot Henri «The Printed Book»

The Printed Book

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См. также в других словарях:

  • The Black Book — was the post war name given to the Sonderfahndungsliste G.B.(literally translated as the Special Search List G.B), the list of prominent Britons to be arrested after a successful invasion of Britain by Nazi Germany in World War 2.It was a product …   Wikipedia

  • The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments — was a children s chemistry book written in the 1960s by Robert Brent and illustrated by Harry Lazarus and published by Western Publishing in their Golden Books series. Many of the experiments contained in the book are now considered highly… …   Wikipedia

  • The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying — written by Sogyal Rinpoche, gives a comprehensive presentation of the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, exploring: the message of impermanence; evolution, karma and rebirth; the nature of mind and how to train the mind through meditation; how to fo …   Wikipedia

  • (the) printed word — the printed word phrase anything that you read in a book, magazine, newspaper etc The printed word has faced growing competition from new technology. Thesaurus: relating to the business of publishinghyponym Main entry: print * * * the ˌprinted… …   Useful english dictionary

  • The Good Book Press — was a fine press book publisher, founded in 1977 by Peter and Donna Thomas of Santa Cruz, California. The proprietors produced the books by hand. Peter Thomas (aka Peter Papermaker) made the paper and Donna Thomas illustrated the books… …   Wikipedia

  • The Wonder Book of Bible Stories — is a 1904 children s literature by Logan Marshall printed in the United States. The book popularised biblical stories from both the Old and New Testaments for children by illustrating them with rich woodcuts and color plates.Though popular in its …   Wikipedia

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