Книга: Sundar Sowmiya and Aruna Narayanan «Consumer Preference on Cakes, Acceptability&Nutritional evaluation»

Consumer Preference on Cakes, Acceptability&Nutritional evaluation

Производитель: "LAP Lambert Academic Publishing"

Food fortication using lotus stem and carrot powder was a successful project. Chocolate flavour (52%) was highly preferred by most respondents and the least preferred was strawberry (10%). Chocolate glaze icing was the most liked (68%) icing. Iron content was 80 and 5 mg/100g in Lotus stem powder and Carrot powder respectively. ? carotene was 6875 and 543 g/100g in Carrot powder and Lotus stem powder respectively. Lotus stem powder had a very high fibre (31. 6 g) and carrot had a minimum content (1. 46g), LSCK2 had the highest iron content (12. 50mg/100g). 20%lotus stem fortified cake (84. 5%) and 15 %carrot powder fortified cakes (88 %)was the best acceptability . obtained the highest acceptability percentage. Cakes fortified with 15 percent carrot powder (CAOR1) registered the highest amount of ? carotene i. e., 760 g/100g. The acceptable cakes had a pH of 5. 5 to 6. 2. Crude fibre content was within the permissible limit. Acid insoluble ash was negligible in all cakes. The microbial count... ISBN:9783659378560

Издательство: "LAP Lambert Academic Publishing" (2014)

ISBN: 9783659378560

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