Книга: Nooraldeen Farajat «Assesment of Pollution Risk On Southern Part Of Aqaba Basin»

Assesment of Pollution Risk On Southern Part Of Aqaba Basin

Производитель: "LAP Lambert Academic Publishing"

Southern part of Aqaba city which is located South of Jordan is considered as one of the most active industrial areas in Jordan, due to the existence of several activities which are industial and economic, this are has an unconfined ground water aquifer which is exposed to pollution, and as a hot spot area it becomes very important to design valnurability maps against pollution by using GIS techniques. to asses the valnurability of those unconfined aquiferes to pollution, knowing that this area was supposed by jordanian governement to be the site of nuclear power plant, and to save that aquifers from radiations and other pollutants, it was very important to design valnurability maps for these aquifers againest pollution. ISBN:9783659335525

Издательство: "LAP Lambert Academic Publishing" (2013)

ISBN: 9783659335525

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