Книга: «Acceleration of tooth eruption and formation by ultrasound in rabbits»

Acceleration of tooth eruption and formation by ultrasound in rabbits

Производитель: "Неизвестный"

This is the first time in History to report on the fast eruption of tooth eruption and new dental tissue formation in few days. This is an accidental discovery that was discovered while I was testing the effect of ultrasound on bone formation and maturation during mandibular distraction Osteogenesis. This book has stimulated many researchers and experts worldwide during the last decade to understand the molecular mechanism of ultrasound in dental tissue formation. This discovery also has stimulated many researchers to evaluate the possibility of using this technique to repair or prevent orthodontically induced tooth root resorption. In addition, research is underway to evaluate the possibility of using ultrasound in repairing dentoalveolar fracture. This may open new avenues not only for research but also the possibility of treating conditions, that have long been known as impossible to treat, like orthodontically induced root resorption and dentoalveolar fracture. ISBN:9783639361148

Издательство: "Неизвестный" (2011)

ISBN: 9783639361148


I м. разг.
Тот, о ком нет сведений.

II прил.
Такой, о котором нет сведений; неведомый, незнакомый.

Не пользующийся известностью, признанием.

Толковый словарь Ефремовой. 2000.

Источник: Неизвестный

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