Электронная книга: Richard Flanagan «Kitsas tee sisemaale»
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2014. aastal Man Bookeri auhinna võitnud romaan „Kitsas tee sisemaale“ räägib sõja julmusest, elu haprusest ja armastuse võimatusest. Lugu Austraalia kirurgist Dorrigo Evansist, keda painab armulugu oma onu naisega, viib meid 20. sajandi alguse Tasmaania trapperite koobastest lagunevasse sõjaeelsesse rannahotelli, Tai džunglivanglast Jaapani lumefestivalile ja mujalegi. Kesksel kohal on selles 17. sajandi haikuluuletaja Bashō reisipäevikult pealkirja saanud raamatus üks augustipäev Jaapani orjatöölaagris 1943. aastal. Dorrigo Evans püüab asjatult kaitsta oma alluvaid nälja, koolera ja peksmise eest, ent päeva õudne lõpp aina läheneb See on lugu paljudest vormidest, mille võivad võtta surm ja armastus, sõda ja rahu sel ajal, kui mees saab täiskasvanuks, et viimaks avastada, mille ta oma elus kaotanud on. Richard Flanagan (snd 1961) on Tasmaaniast pärit Austraaliakirjanik, ajaloolane ja filmitegija. Kõik tema kuus romaani on pälvinud ohtralt tunnustustust, romaani „Kitsas tee sisemaale“ eest ta Man Bookeri auhinna. „Mõnel aastal võidavad Man Bookeri auhinna väga head raamatud, sel aastal võitis selle meistriteos,“ ütles 2014. a auhinnažüriiesimees A. C. Crayling. Издательство: "Eesti digiraamatute keskus OU" (2013)
ISBN: 9789985340240 электронная книга Купить за 1253.49 руб и скачать на Litres |
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Wanting | Richard Flanagan In the remote penal colony of Van Diemen's Land, a barefoot aboriginal girl wearing a red silk dress sits for her portrait. She is Mathinna, the adopted daughter of the island's… — Atlantic Books, (формат: 130x200, 272 стр.) Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Wanting (изд. 2009 г. ) | This is now in paperback: a novel of magnificent power and reach from one of the most original and impressive novelists working in the English language today. In 1841, and in the remote penal colony… — Atlantic Books, (формат: 130x200, 272 стр.) Подробнее... | бумажная книга |
Richard Flanagan
Richard Flanagan (born 1961) is an author, historian and film director from
The Franklin River and after
A keen canoeist, he canoed the
Each of his novels has attracted major praise. His first, "Death of a River Guide" (1994), was short-listed for the
Two of his novels are set on the West Coast of Tasmania; where he lived in the township of Rosebery as a child. "Death of a River Guide" relates to the
The 1998 film of "The Sound of One Hand Clapping", directed by Flanagan, was nominated for best film at that year's Berlin Film Festival. "Gould's Book of Fish" won the 2002
Flanagan has written various pieces on Tasmanian politics for the Australian press, some of which have proved controversial: "The Selling-out of Tasmania", published after the death of popular former Premier
Flanagan's 2007 article in
A painting of Richard Flanagan by artist
Earlier Non-Fiction
* Student Accommodation Crisis (1984)
* "A terrible beauty : history of the Gordon River country" Richmond, Vic. : Greenhouse, 1985. ISBN 0-86436-001-0
* "The Rest of the World is Watching: Tasmania and the Greens" Sydney: Sun, 1990. ISBN 0-7251-0651-4 (co-editor with
* "Codename Iago: The Story of John Friedrich" Melbourne : William Heinemann Australia, 1991. ISBN 0-85561-452-8 (with
* "
* "
* "" (2001)
* "
External links
* [http://www.randomhouse.com.au/Authors/Default.aspx?Page=Author&ID=Flanagan,%20Richard Richard Flanagan at Random House Australia]
* [http://www.abc.net.au/rn/bookshow/stories/2008/2123434.htm] Transcript of interview with
* [http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/07/21/1090089215626.html The Selling-out of Tasmania]
* [http://www.tamarpulpmill.info/flanagan.pdf Paradise Razed, published in The Telegraph]
* [http://www.complete-review.com/reviews/austnz/flanagr1.htm Review of "Gould's Book of Fish"]
* [http://www.theunknownterrorist.com.au "The Unknown Terrorist" official site]
* [http://www.edrants.com/segundo/?p=153 "The Bat Segundo Show" podcast interview]
* [http://www.australiamovie.net "AUSTRALIA" a baz luhrmann film]
* [http://www.themonthly.com.au/pastIssues/index.html The Monthly: Gunns Out of Control]
See also
Источник: Richard Flanagan
См. также в других словарях:
Richard Flanagan — (born 1961) is an author, historian and film director from Tasmania, Australia. He was president of the Tasmania University Union and a Rhodes Scholar.The Franklin River and afterA keen canoeist, he canoed the Franklin River thirteen times and… … Wikipedia
Richard Flanagan — (* 1961 in Longford, Tasmanien) ist einer der renommiertesten tasmanischen Schriftsteller. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werke 2.1 Romane 2.2 Sachb … Deutsch Wikipedia
Richard Flanagan — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Flanagan. Richard Flanagan est un écrivain australien, né en 1961 en Tasmanie. Auteur de récits et journaliste, il est désormais mondialement connu pour ses romans après avoir obtenu en 2002 le Commonwealth… … Wikipédia en Français
Flanagan — is a common Irish surname, alternatively spelt Flanigan and Flannigan, and may refer to:* Bob Flanagan, writer * Bud Flanagan, entertainer * Caitlin Flanagan, writer * Caroline Flanagan, President of Law Society of Scotland * Charles Flanagan,… … Wikipedia
Flanagan — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Barry Flanagan (1941–2009), britischer Bildhauer Bob Flanagan (1952–1996), US amerikanischer Schriftsteller und Künstler Charles Flanagan (* 1956), irischer Politiker (Fine Gael) Crista Flanagan (* 1976),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Richard Davey — Richard Innes Davey (1938 ) is an actor, director and writer. He is the founder of the Round Earth Company and advocate for the understanding of the Macquarie Harbour Penal Station on Sarah Island on the West Coast of Tasmania.Over ten years of… … Wikipedia