Книга: «The Complete Guide To IELTS: Student`s Book and access code for Intensive Revision Guide (+ DVD)»

The Complete Guide To IELTS: Student`s Book and access code for Intensive Revision Guide (+ DVD)

Производитель: "National Geographic Learn"

The Complete Guide to IELTS deconstructs the IELTS test and works systematically through each paper, covering all task types, text types and skills. No stone is left unturned. The material can be used in class or by students working on the own. ISBN:978-1-285-83780-2

Издательство: "National Geographic Learn" (2015)

ISBN: 978-1-285-83780-2

Купить за 2426 грн (только Украина) в

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Rogers BruceThe Complete Guide To IELTS. Student's Book and access code for Intensive Revision Guide (+ DVD)The Complete Guide to IELTS deconstructs the IELTS test and works systematically through each paper, covering all task types, text types and skills. No stone is left unturned. The material can be… — Heinle/Cengage Learn, - Подробнее...2015
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