Книга: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe «Faust - Eine Trag&246;die»
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Производитель: "Cornelsen" Серия: "LiteraMedia" Bedeutende Werke der deutschsprachigen Literatur von der Aufkl&228;rung bis zur Gegenwart. Taschenb&252;cher der Suhrkamp BasisBibliothek sind Hauptbestandteil von LiteraMedia. Sie enthalten den Originaltext mit Wort und Sacherl&228;uterungen sowie einen umfangreichen Kommentar. Handreichungen f&252;r den Unterricht erg&228;nzen in vielen F&228;llen die Textausgaben. Sie enthalten Kopiervorlagen mit L&246;sungs und Unterrichtsvorschl&228;gen, Klassenarbeiten, Referaten und Projekten. Издательство: "Cornelsen" (2010)
ISBN: 978-3-464-61624-6 |
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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Infobox Writer
name = Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
birthdate = birth date|1749|8|28|df=y
birthplace = Free Imperial City of Frankfurt,
deathdate = death date and age|1832|3|22|1749|8|28|df=y
deathplace =
occupation =
nationality = German
period =
movement =
notableworks = "Faust"; "The Sorrows of Young Werther"; "Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship"
spouse =
influences = Gellert,
influenced = Iqbal, Lamarck, Darwin, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Carlyle, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche,
Audio|De-Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe.ogg|Johann Wolfgang von Goethe IPA2|ˈjoːhan ˈvɔlfgaŋ fɔn ˈgøːtə, (in English generally pronEng|ˈgɝːtə; [dictionary.com] 28 August 1749ndash 22 March 1832) was a German writer.
Goethe was one of the key figures of Goethe is the originator of the concept of "Weltliteratur" (" Goethe's influence spread across Europe, and for the next century his works were a major source of inspiration in music, Early life Goethe's father, Johann Caspar Goethe ( Johann Caspar and private tutors gave Goethe lessons in all the common subjects of that time, especially languages ( Legal career Goethe studied In Frankfurt, Goethe became severely ill. During the next year and a half which followed, because of several relapses, the relationship with his father worsened. During convalescence, Goethe was nursed by his mother and sister. Bored in bed, he wrote an impudent crime comedy. In April 1770, his father lost his patience; Goethe left Frankfurt in order to finish his studies in In Despite being based on his own ideas, his legal Goethe could not subsist on being one of the editors of a literary periodical (published by Schlosser and Merck). In May 1772 he once more began the practice of law at Early years in Weimar In 1775 Goethe was invited, on the strength of his fame as the author of " Goethe, aside from official duties, was also a friend and confidant to the Duke, and participated fully in the activities of the court. For Goethe, his first ten years at Weimar could well be described as a garnering of a degree and range of experience which perhaps could be achieved in no other way. Goethe was ennobled in 1782 (this being indicated by the "von" in his name). During Goethes term of office as a member of the Geheime Consilium, the top deliberative circle of the Duke Carl August of Saxony-Weimar, there are three cases of killing a just-born baby by the mother. Whereas in 1781 Dorothea Altwein was pardoned to lifelong penal servitude (she was released after 27 years) and Maria Rost assigned to lifelong penal servitude by the Duke, without judical sentence (she was released after 6 years), Johanna Höhn was executed. Johanna Catharina Höhn, born the 15th of April 1759 in Tannroda in Saxony-Weimar, had killed her just born baby, a boy, in an attack of panic. She was adjudicated on death, only by the sword, because there were arguments for mitigation. Duke Carl August would pardon Johanna Höhn to lifelong penal servitude. Therefore he commended the members of his government and the members of his deliberative circle to give their votes to the question, whether the capital punishment for this delict should be repealed. He himself was voting for repealing and to substitute by lifelong penal servitude. As one of the three members of the Geheime Consilium Goethe gave his vote for maintaining the capital punishment, at 4th of November 1783, after the votes of the others, Fritsch and Schnauss. Goethe' vote decided the issue: In Saxony-Weimar the capital punishment was not repealed, and the Duke ordered the execution, just after Goethe's vote. Johanna Höhn was beheaded at 28th of November 1783. Goethe gave his vote in the same year, in which he wrote his poem “Edel sei der Mensch, hilfreich und gut”. Italy Goethe's journey to the He also journeyed to Sicily during this time, and wrote intriguingly that "To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is to not have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything." While in Southern Italy and Sicily, Goethe encountered, for the first time genuine Greek (as opposed to Roman) architecture, and was quite startled by its relative simplicity. Winckelmann had not recognized the distinctness of the two styles. Goethe's diaries of this period form the basis of the non-fiction " In the decades which immediately followed its publication in 1816 "Italian Journey" inspired countless German youths to follow Goethe's example. This is pictured, somewhat satirically, in Weimar In late 1792, Goethe took part in the In 1794 In 1806, Goethe was living in Weimar with his mistress The next day, Goethe legitimized their relationship by marrying Christiane in a quiet marriage service at the court chapel. Christiane Vulpius and Goethe produced a son, Karl August von Goethe (25 December 1789ndash 28 October 1830), whose wife, Ottilie von Pogwisch (31 October 1796ndash 26 October 1872), cared for the elder Goethe until his death in 1832. They had three children: Walther, Freiherr von Goethe (9 April 1818ndash 15 April 1885), Wolfgang, Freiherr von Goethe (18 September 1820ndash 20 January 1883) and Alma von Goethe (29 October 1827ndash 29 September 1844). Christiane Vulpius died in 1816. Later life . Post-1793, Goethe devoted his endeavour principally to literature. In 1823, having recovered from a nearly fatal heart illness, he fell in love with In 1832, after a life of vast productivity, Goethe died in Weimar. He is buried in the Ducal Vault at Weimar's Historical Cemetery. Eckermann closes his famous work, " Works Literary work The most important of Goethe's works produced before he went to Weimar were his tragedy "Götz von Berlichingen" (1773), which was the first work to bring him recognition, and the novel " To the period of his friendship with Schiller belong " cientific work Although his literary work has attracted the greatest amount of interest, Goethe was also keenly involved in studies of natural science. [cite web|url=http://www.natureinstitute.org/about/who/goethe.htm |publisher=The Nature Institute|title=Johann Wolfgang von Goethe |accessdate=2008-08-28] He wrote several works on plant morphology, and colour theory. With his focus on morphology he influenced Darwin. His studies led him to independently discover the human intermaxillary bone in 1784, which Broussonet (1779) and Vicq d'Azyr (1780) had (using different methods) identified several years earlier. [cite journal |author=K. Barteczko and M. Jacob |title=A re-evaluation of the premaxillary bone in humans |journal=Anatomy and Embryology |year=1999 |volume=207 |issue=6 |pages=417–437 |doi=10.1007/s00429-003-0366-x ] While not the only one in his time to question the prevailing view that this bone did not exist in humans, Goethe, who believed ancient anatomists had known about this bone, was the first to prove its peculiarity to all mammals. In 1790, he published his " During his Italian journey, Goethe formulated a theory of plant metamorphosis in which the archetypal form of the plant is to be found in the "leaf" - he writes, "from top to bottom a plant is all leaf, united so inseparably with the future bud that one cannot be imagined without the other". [cite book |last=Goethe |first=J.W. |title=Italian Journey |publisher=Suhrkamp ed., vol 6 | translator = Robert R Heitner] In 1810, Goethe published his Goethe outlines his method in the essay, "The experiment as mediator between subject and object" (1772). In the Kurschner edition of Goethe's works, the science editor, Key works The short The next work, his epic Goethe's poetic work served as a model for an entire movement in German poetry termed "Innerlichkeit" ("introversion") and represented by, for example, Heine. Goethe's words inspired a number of compositions by, among others, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, He is also widely quoted. Epigrams such as "Against criticism a man can neither protest nor defend himself; he must act in spite of it, and then it will gradually yield to him", "Divide and rule, a sound motto; unite and lead, a better one", and "Enjoy when you can, and endure when you must", are still in usage or are often paraphrased. Lines from "Faust", such as " _de. Das also war des Pudels Kern", " _de. Das ist der Weisheit letzter Schluss", or " _de. Grau ist alle Theorie" have entered everyday German usage. Although a success of less tasteful appeal, the famous line from the drama "Götz von Berlichingen" (" _de. Er kann mich im Arsche lecken": "He can lick my arse") has become a vulgar idiom in many languages, and shows Goethe's deep cultural impact extending across social, national, and linguistic borders. It may be taken as another measure of Goethe's fame that other well-known quotations are often incorrectly attributed to him, such as Eroticism Many of Goethe's works, especially "Faust", the " Religion Born into a Protestant (Lutheran) family, Goethe's early faith was shaken by news of such events as the 1755 A year before his death he expressed an identification with the Historical importance Goethe had a great effect on the nineteenth century. In many respects, he was the originator of many ideas which later became widespread. He produced volumes of poetry, essays, criticism, a theory of colours and early work on Goethe embodied many of the contending strands in art over the next century: his work could be lushly emotional, and rigorously formal, brief and epigrammatic, and epic. He would argue that His poetry was set to music by almost every major Austrian and German composer from Mozart to are still performed. Goethe was also a cultural force, and by researching folk traditions, he created many of the norms for celebrating The Federal Republic of Germany’s cultural institution, The Goethe-Institut is named after him, and promotes the study of German abroad and fosters knowledge about Germany by providing information on its culture, society and politics. Influence Goethe's influence was dramatic because he understood that there was a transition in European sensibilities, an increasing focus on sense, the indescribable, and the emotional. This is not to say that he was emotionalistic or excessive; on the contrary, he lauded personal restraint and felt that excess was a disease: "There is nothing worse than imagination without taste". He argued in his scientific works that a "formative impulse", which he said is operative in every organism, causes an organism to form itself according to its own distinct laws, and therefore rational laws or fiats could not be imposed at all from a higher, transcendent sphere; this placed him in direct opposition to those who attempted to form "enlightened" monarchies based on "rational" laws by, for example, Joseph II of Austria or, the subsequent Emperor of the French, Napoleon I. A quotation from his "Scientific Studies" will suffice: This change later became the basis for 19th century thought; organic rather than geometrical, evolving rather than created, and based on sensibility and intuition, rather than on imposed order, culminating in, as he said, a "living quality" wherein the subject and object are dissolved together in a poise of inquiry. Consequently, he embraced neither His views make him, along with Bibliography *"Goethe: The History of a Man" by References ee also * External links *gutenberg author|id=Goethe+Johann+Wolfgang+von | name=Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Источник: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
*"Goethe" by
*"Goethe: his life and times" by Richard Friedenthal
* by
*"Goethe's World: as seen in letters and memoirs" ed. by Berthold Biermann
*"Goethe: Four Studies" by
*"Goethe and his Publishers" by Siegfied Unseld
*"Goethe: The Poet and the Age" (2 Vols.), by
*"Goethe's Concept of the Daemonic: After the Ancients", by Angus Nicholls
*"Goethe and Rousseau: Resonances of ther Mind", by Carl Hammer, Jr.
* [http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/g/goethe/ The Lied and Art Song Texts Page] Poems of Goethe set in music
* [http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/237027/Johann-Wolfgang-von-Goethe Encyclopaedia Britannica, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe]
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/history/inourtime/inourtime_20060406.shtml BBC In Our Time Programme on Goethe (online)]
* [http://www.janushead.org/8-1/index.cfm "Goethe's Delicate Empiricism," A Special Issue of Janus Head]
* [http://goethe.lingvisto.org/index.php Goethe's dual language poems (from German to other languages)]
* [http://www.goetheanscience.org/index.php Goethean Science Site]
* [http://www.quotationcollection.com/author/Johann_Wolfgang%20von_Goethe/quotes Goethe Quotes]
* [http://www.pbase.com/johnireland/image/62909444 Goethe Statue] -
* [http://dlxs2.library.cornell.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=cdl;idno=cdl330 Elective affinities] Cornell University Library Historical Monographs Collection. {Reprinted by} [http://www.amazon.com/dp/1429740647/?tag=corneunivelib-20 Cornell University Library Digital Collections]
* [http://quotationpark.com/authors/GOETHE,%20Johann%20Wolfgang%20von.html Famous Quotes by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe]
*worldcat id|id=lccn-n79-3362Persondata
NAME=Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
ALTERNATIVE NAMES=Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
SHORT DESCRIPTION=German philosopher, poet, and writer
DATE OF BIRTH=birth date|1749|8|28|df=y
DATE OF DEATH=death date|1832|3|22|df=y
См. также в других словарях:
Mann — 1. A blind man may perchance hit the mark. – Tauben und Hühner Zeitung (Berlin 1862), Nr. 6, S. 46. 2. A Mann a Wort oder a Hundsfott. (Ulm.) 3. A Mann wie a Maus ün a Weib wie a Haus is noch nit gleich. (Jüd. deutsch. Warschau.) Will sagen, dass … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
Liste geflügelter Worte/W — Geflügelte Worte A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gott — 1. Ach du grosser Gott, was lässt du für kleine Kartoffeln wachsen! – Frischbier2, 1334. 2. Ach Gott, ach Gott, seggt Leidig s Lott, all Jahr e Kind on kein Mann! (Insterburg.) – Frischbier2, 1335. 3. Ach, du lieber Gott, gib unserm Herrn ein n… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
Narr — (s. ⇨ Geck). 1. A Narr hot a schöne Welt. (Jüd. deutsch. Warschau.) Dem Dummen erscheint die Welt um so schöner, als er von manchen ihrer Uebel und Leiden nicht berührt wird. 2. A Narr hot lieb Süss. (Jüd. deutsch. Warschau.) Diese auch in… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
Weib — (s. ⇨ Frau). 1. A jüng Weib is wie a schön Vögele, was män muss halten in Steigele (Vogelbauer). (Jüd. deutsch. Warschau.) 2. A schämedig (schamhaftes) Weib is güt zü schlugen. (Warschau.) – Blass, 11. Weil es, um keinen Scandal zu machen, den… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
Essen (Verb.) — 1. Aeten unn Drinken holt Liw un Seel tosamen, bäter as n isern Band. – Goldschmidt, II, 22. 2. Assa Se, an1 trinka Se, Herr Pforr, sagte der Bauer, s kriegt s sunst de Kitsche2. (Schles.) 1) Und. 2) Katze. 3. Bei essen und trinken ohne Ruh setzt … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon