Книга: Victor Hugo «The Hunchback of Notre-Dame»
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Производитель: "Wordsworth Classics" Серия: "Classics" Полный, неадаптированный текст произведения. Set in 1482, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame is a compelling story of love and betrayal, brutal deeds and one of the most famous acts of revenge in world literature. Quasimodo, the hunchback of the title, is one of fiction`s most extreme characters - beneath his monstrous disfigurement, his love for the beautiful Esmerelda reveals a heart full of intense emotion. The novel is set in the great cathedral of Notre-Dame and had a profound influence on the Romantic Movement. Издательство: "Wordsworth Classics" (2004) Формат: 125x195, 480 стр.
ISBN: 978-1-85326-068-1 |
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Victor Hugo
Источник: Victor Hugo
См. также в других словарях:
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