Книга: Luciano Floridi «Information»



We live an information-soaked existence - information pours into our lives through television, radio, books, and of course, the Internet. Some say we suffer from`infoglut`. But what is information? The concept of`information`is a profound one, rooted in mathematics, central to whole branches of science, yet with implications on every aspect of our everyday lives: DNA provides the information to create us; we learn through the information fed to us; we relate to each other through information transfer - gossip, lectures, reading. Information is not only a mathematically powerful concept, but its critical role in society raises wider ethical issues: who owns information? Who controls its dissemination? Who has access to information? Luciano Floridi, a philosopher of information, cuts across many subjects, from a brief look at the mathematical roots of information - its definition and measurement in`bits`- to its role in genetics (we are information), and its social meaning and value. He ends by considering the ethics of information, including issues of ownership, privacy, and accessibility; copyright and open source. For those unfamiliar with its precise meaning and wide applicability as a philosophical concept,`information`may seem a bland or mundane topic. Those who have studied some science or philosophy or sociology will already be aware of its centrality and richness. But for all readers, whether from the humanities or sciences, Floridi gives a fascinating and inspirational introduction to this most fundamental of ideas.

Издательство: "OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS" (2010)

ISBN: 978-0-19-955137-8

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InformationWe live an information-soaked existence - information pours into our lives through television, radio, books, and of course, the Internet. Some say we suffer from'infoglut'. But what is information… — Oxford University Press, - Подробнее...2010493бумажная книга
The Fourth Revolution: How the Infosphere Is Reshaping Human RealityWho are we, and how do we relate to each other? Luciano Floridi, one of the leading figures in contemporary philosophy, argues that the explosive developments in Information and Communication… — Oxford University Press, (формат: 145x225, 272 стр.) Подробнее...20142141бумажная книга

Luciano Floridi

region = Western Philosophers
era = Contemporary Philosophy
color = #B0C4DE

image_caption = Luciano Floridi at CAP Conference

name = Luciano Floridi
birth = 16 November 1964, Rome Italy
death =
alma_mater = Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza | citizenship =
nationality = | workplaces = University of Warwick
University of Oxford
Università degli Studi di Bari
University of Hertfordshire | doctoral_advisor = Susan Haack
academic_advisor = Michael Dummett
doctoral_students = Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson
notable_students = | school_tradition = Analytic
main_interests = Philosophy of Information, Information ethics, Philosophy of logic, Epistemology
influences = Sextus Empiricus, Descartes, Kant, Neo-Kantianism, Analytic Philosophy, Charles Sanders Peirce, Wittgenstein, Michael Dummett, Susan Haack
influenced =
notable_ideas = Philosophy of information, Information ethics, Infosphere, Levels of abstraction |

Luciano Floridi (Laurea, Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, MPhil. and PhD University of Warwick, MA University of Oxford) is one of Italy's most influential thinkers in the fields of philosophy of technology and ethics. [Carl Mitcham (ed), "Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics" (Macmillan, 2005), entry on [http://www.bookrags.com/Italian_people "Italian Perspectives"] .] He is married to the neuroscientist Anna Christina De Ozorio Nobre.Floridi currently holds the Research Chair in philosophy of information at the University of Hertfordshire, Department of Philosophy. He is also Fellow by Special Election of St Cross College, Oxford University, Senior Member of the Faculty of Philosophy and [http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/people/Luciano.Floridi/ Research Associate and Fellow in Information Policy] at OUCL (the Department of Computer Science), University of Oxford. He is best known for his pioneering work on two new areas of philosophical research, which he has contributed to establish: the philosophy of information and information ethics. He is the founder and director of the [http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/research/areas/ieg/ IEG] , an interdepartmental research group on the philosophy of information at the University of Oxford, and of the [http://philosophyofinformation.net/centre/gpi/ GPI] , the research Group in Philosophy of Information at the University of Hertfordshire. He was the founder and director of the [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWIF SWIF] , the Italian e-journal of philosophy (1995-2008). His works have been translated into Chinese, French, Greek, Hungarian, Japanese, Persian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish. He is the first philosopher ever to be awarded the [http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/51405.html Gauss Professorhip] bythe Göttingen Academy of Sciences. [ [http://www.philosophy.ox.ac.uk/news__events/news/dr_luciano_floridi_elected_gauss_professor Oxford Philosophy Faculty] .]

Early career

Floridi was born in Rome in 1964 and studied at Rome University La Sapienza (Laurea, first class with distinction, 1988), where he was originally educated as a historian of philosophy. He soon became interested in analytic philosophy and wrote his "tesi di laurea" (MA dissertation) for Rome University La Sapienza in philosophy of logic, on Michael Dummett's anti-realism. He obtained his MPhil (1989) and PhD degree (1990) from the University of Warwick, working in epistemology and philosophy of logic with Susan Haack (who was his PhD supervisor) and Michael Dummett. Floridi's early student years are partly recounted in the non-fiction book "", where he is "Luciano" (see the relevant entry in Wikipedia). During his graduate and postdoctoral years, he moved across the standard topics in analytic philosophy in search of a new methodology, in order to approach contemporary problems from a perspective that would be heuristically powerful and intellectually enriching, when dealing with lively philosophical issues. During his graduate studies, he began to distance himself from classic analytic philosophy. In his view, the analytic movement had lost its propelling force and was a retreating paradigm. For this reason, he worked on pragmatism (especially Peirce) and foundationalist issues in epistemology and philosophy of logic. He was appointed Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Warwick in 1990-1. He joined the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Oxford in 1990 and the OUCL (Oxford's Department of Computer Science) in 1999. He was Junior Research Fellow in Philosophy at Wolfson College Oxford University (1990-4), Francis Yates Fellow in the History of Ideas at the Warburg Institute, University of London (1994-95) and Research Fellow in Philosophy at Wolfson College Oxford University (1994-01). During these years in Oxford, he held several lecturerships in different Colleges. Between 1994 and 1996 he also held a post-doctoral research scholarship at the Department of Philosophy, University of Turin. Between 2001 and 2006, he was Markle Foundation Senior Research Fellow in Information Policy at the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy, Oxford University. Between 2002 and 2008, he was Associate Professor of Logic at the [http://www.uniba.it Università degli Studi di Bari] . In 2006 he became Fellow by Special Election of St Cross College, Oxford University, where he plays for the squash team. [According to The St Cross College Annual Record, "One of the achievements of which is most proud is having his name engraved on the Oxford Squash Plate and Cup trophies, as captain of the Wolfson teams who won cuppers in 1998-2002."] In 2008, he was appointed full professor of philosophy at the University of Hertfordshire, where he holds the newly established research chair in philosophy of information.

In his first book, "Scepticism and the Foundation of Epistemology", Floridi was already looking for a concept of "subject-independent knowledge" close to what he now identifies as semantic "information". During his postdoctoral studies, as a Junior Research Fellow of Wolfson College, University of Oxford, he began to embrace a more Neo-Kantian philosophy, which led him to spend one academic year in Marburg, where he focussed on Ernest Cassirer's version of Neo-Kantianism. He begun working exclusively on what is now known as the philosophy of information during his years as Research Fellow, still at Wolfson College, University of Oxford. Floridi's Erdos number is 3. [ [http://www.oakland.edu/enp/index.html Erdos Number Project ] ]


According to Floridi, it is necessary to develop a constructionist philosophy, where design, modelling and implementation replace analysis and dissection. Shifting from one set of tasks to the other, philosophy could then stop retreating into the increasingly small corner of its self-sustaining investigations, and hence re-acquire a wider view about what really matters. Slowly, Floridi has come to characterise his constructionist philosophy as an innovative field, now known as the philosophy of information, the new area of research that has emerged from the computational/informational turn.

Floridi approaches the philosophy of information from two perspectives:

* the purely theoretical perspective provided by logic and epistemology, and
* the technical perspective provided by computer science, IT and Humanities Computing.

For example, in the Preface of "Philosophy and Computing", published in 1999, he wrote that the book was meant for two kinds of philosophy students: those who need to acquire some IT literacy in order to use computers efficiently, and those who may be interested in acquiring the background knowledge indispensable for developing a critical understanding of our digital age and hence beginning to work on that would-be branch of philosophy, the philosophy of information, which he hoped may one day become part of "Philosophia Prima". Since then, PI, or PCI (Philosophy of Computing and Information), has become his major research interest.

Floridi's perspective is that there is a need for a broader concept of information processing and flowing, which includes computation, but not only computation. This new framework provides a very robust theoretical frame within which to place and make sense of the different lines of research that have taken shape since the fifties. The second advantage is PI’s diachronic perspective, a perspective on the development of philosophy through time. In his view, PI gives us a much wider and more profound perspective on what philosophy might have actually been doing. Currently, Floridi is working on two areas of research: computer ethics (see the entry information ethics) and the concept of information. Key to this area of work is the claim that ICT (Information and Communications Technology) is radically re-engineering or re-ontologizing the infosphere.


* "Augmented Intelligence — A Guide to IT for Philosophers". (in Italian) Rome: Armando, 1996.
* [http://www.brill.nl/default.aspx?partid=10&pid=222 "Scepticism and the Foundation of Epistemology - A Study in the Metalogical Fallacies"] . Leiden: Brill, 1996.
* "Internet - An Epistemological Essay". (in Italian and in French) Milan: Il Saggiatore, 1997.
* [http://www.routledge.com/shopping_cart/products/product_detail.asp?sku=&isbn=9780415180252&parent_id=3267&pc=/shopping_cart/categories/categories_products.asp?parent_id%3D3267%26so%3D1 "Philosophy and Computing: An Introduction"] . London/New York: Routledge, 1999.
* [http://www.us.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/ClassicalStudies/AncientPhilosophy/?view=usa&ci=9780195146714 "Sextus Empiricus, The Recovery and Transmission of Pyrrhonism"] . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
* [http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/pci/ "The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information"] . (editor) Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.
* [http://www.bookfinder4u.com/IsbnSearch.aspx?isbn=8792130097&mode=direct "Philosophy of Computing and Information: 5 Questions"] (editor) Automatic Press / VIP, 2008.
* "The Philosophy of Information". Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
* "Information". Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming. A volume for the Very Short Introduction series.
* "A Philosophical Introduction to Computer Ethics" (editor). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.

iPod and Videos

* "Relevant Information", the SIRLS/Thomson Scientific ISI Samuel Lazarow Memorial lecture, University of Arizona, USA, February 8 2007. [http://www.sir.arizona.edu/resources/podcasts/floridippt.pdf View the Presentation] while you listen to the podcast. [http://www.sir.arizona.edu/resources/podcasts/FloridiLecture.mp3 Download] Lecture (MP3, 52MB). [http://www.sir.arizona.edu/resources/podcasts/FloridiQuestions.mp3 Download] Question and Answer Session following the Lecture (MP3, 39MB). [http://sir.arizona.edu/resources/podcasts/video/480x360.html Quicktime Streaming Video] (requires the Quicktime Plug-in, broadband recommended). [http://sir.arizona.edu/resources/podcasts/video/Lazerow.wmv Windows Video] (.wmv format, requires IE and Media Player version 9 or higher for streaming). [http://sir.arizona.edu/resources/podcasts/video/Lazerow480x360.m4v iPod Compatible] (.m4v, 375MB, download only).

* [http://www.hss.rpi.edu/streaming/conferences/cap2006/nacp_8_10_2006_4_630.asx "A Look into the Future of ICT"] [http://www.cogsci.rpi.edu/conferences/cap/index.php North American Computing and Philosophy Conference] , August 10-12 2006, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA.

* [http://academicfeeds.friwebteknologi.org/index.php?id=28 "Where are we in the philosophy of information?"] , June 21 2006, University of Bergen, Norway.

* [http://eradec.teluq.uquebec.ca/article.php3?id_article=22 "The Logic of Information"] , [http://eradec.teluq.uquebec.ca/mediatheque/floridi11052005/floridi110505expositio.wmv presentation] , [http://eradec.teluq.uquebec.ca/mediatheque/floridi11052005/floridi110505disputatio.wmv discussion] , Télé-université (Université du Québec), 11 May 2005, Montréal, Canada.

* [http://media.oregonstate.edu/ramgen/Dbase/0000073/10cap_floridi.smil "From Augmented Intelligence to Augmented Responsibility"] , [http://oregonstate.edu/groups/cap/2002/conference.html North American Computing and Philosophy Conference] , January 24 2002, Oregon State University, USA.

* [http://ethics.sandiego.edu/video/CEPE2000/Evil/index.html "Artificial Evil and the Foundation of Computer Ethics"] , [http://ethics.sandiego.edu/video/CEPE2000/Evil/Floridi.ram presentation] , [http://ethics.sandiego.edu/video/CEPE2000/Evil/Floridi_qa.ram discussion] , [http://www.dartmouth.edu/~phil/events/CEPE2000.html CEPE2000 Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry] , July 14-16, 2000, Dartmouth College, USA.

ee also

* Digital physics
* Information theory
* Logic of information
* Philosophy of artificial intelligence
* Philosophy of technology

External links

* [http://www.philosophyofinformation.net/ Home page and articles online]
*INSEIT [http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/SOIS/cipr/floridi_inseit_interview.htm Member spotlight, May 2008 (in English)]
* [http://www.philosophyofinformation.net/media/intervista%20rai%20international.mp3 Interview for RAI International, "Taccuino Italiano", 5 March 2008 (in Italian)]
* [http://www.philosophyofinformation.net/pdf/apapaci.pdf Interview for the American Philosophical Association — "Philosophy And Computing Newsletter"]
* [http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/pci/author.htm Biography, in English]
* [http://www.philosophyofinformation.net/pdf/auto.pdf Biography, in Italian, from "Cervelli in Fuga" (Roma: Accenti, 2001)]


Источник: Luciano Floridi

См. также в других словарях:

  • Information — as a concept has a diversity of meanings, from everyday usage to technical settings. Generally speaking, the concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction, knowledge, meaning,… …   Wikipedia

  • information — [ ɛ̃fɔrmasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1274; lat. informatio I ♦ Dr. Ensemble des actes qui tendent à établir la preuve d une infraction et à en découvrir les auteurs. ⇒ instruction (préparatoire). Ouvrir une information. Information contre X. Information… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • information — in‧for‧ma‧tion [ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʆn ǁ fər ] noun [uncountable] 1. facts or details that tell you about something or someone: • This is highly confidential information. • Corporations are making more financial information available to investors. ˈcredit… …   Financial and business terms

  • information — in·for·ma·tion n: an instrument containing a formal accusation of a crime that is issued by a prosecuting officer and that serves the same function as an indictment presented by a grand jury compare complaint 2, indictment ◇ About half the states …   Law dictionary

  • Information — In for*ma tion, n. [F., fr. L. informatio representation, conception. See {Inform}, v. t.] 1. The act of informing, or communicating knowledge or intelligence. [1913 Webster] The active informations of the intellect. South. [1913 Webster] 2. Any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Information — (lat.), Unterweisung, Auskunft …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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