Книга: Austen Jane «Emma»
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'Emma Woodhouse was very pretty, very clever and very rich. She was charming too and she had many friends. Emma always thought she was right. Most of her friends agreed with her. Only Mr Knightley thought she was wrong.'Emma is a matchmaker - she thinks she knows who should marry whom. But Emma's matchmaking causes mistakes and unhappiness. And Emma is so busy taking an interest in others'lives that she does not notice her own, growing feelings for a man she believes is just a friend. Издательство: "Macmillan" (2005)
ISBN: 9780230035270 Купить за 974 руб в Лабиринте |
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Aus·ten (ôʹstən), Jane. 1775-1817.
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Источник: Austen,Jane
См. также в других словарях:
EMMA — ist: Emma (Vorname), ein weiblicher Vorname Emma (Zeitschrift), eine feministische deutsche Zeitschrift Emma (Roman), ein Roman von Jane Austen Emma (1972), eine britische Fernsehserie von 1972 nach dem Roman von Jane Austen Emma (1996), ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Emma — ist: Emma (Vorname), ein weiblicher Vorname – dort auch zu Namensträgerinnen Werktitel: Emma (Zeitschrift), eine feministische deutsche Zeitschrift Emma (Roman), ein Roman von Jane Austen, 1815/16 ein parodistischer Kolportageroman von Julius… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Emma — Обложка 1 тома манги … Википедия
Emma B — Emma Boughton BA (Exon.) (born 27 November, 1970 in Oxford), grew up in Canada and as a teenager in Birmingham, England. Better known as Emma B, she is a radio presenter in the UK. She became known as Emma B when she worked for Creation Records.… … Wikipedia
EMMA — the Ethnic Multicultural Media Academy (Awards) was founded in 1997 by Bobby Syed. The first award presentation took place in 1998 at the Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane, London and was hosted by TV presenterLisa Aziz and journalist/broadcaster… … Wikipedia
Emma-O — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Emma Ô (jp. 閻魔王), (chin.: Yanluo, 閻羅) es una deidad de la mitología budista que, además de ser el que juzga el karma de los difuntos, es protector del Dharma del Buda. Emma Ô, en su origen, era parte de los Diez… … Wikipedia Español