Книга: Dooley J. «Perseus and Andromeda Книга для чтения»
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Acrisius could not see it, but there was a thin opening in the rock in front of the Priestess, and something like white smoke was coming out of it. It was the message Apollo was sending her. The Priestess listened to the smoke as it moved past her, and she waited until it left before she spoke. "The only child you and your wife will have is the one you have now. You will not have a son, but your daughter will. You must be careful of this child because one day he will kill you.""My daughters son? But why? How can I stop this from happening?"...... Формат: Мягкая глянцевая, 64 стр.
ISBN: 9781843251569 |
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См. также в других словарях:
Dooley — is an Irish surname, and may refer to: Bill Dooley, American football coach Billy Dooley, Irish hurling player Brian Dooley, British television writer Cal Dooley, American politician Charlie Dooley, American politician Derek Dooley (footballer),… … Wikipedia
Dooley — ist der Familienname mehrerer Personen: Tracy Dooley (* 1969), US amerikanische Crosslauf Sommerbiathletin Blind Simmie Dooley (1881 1961), US amerikanischer Blues Sänger und Gitarrist James Dooley (* 1976), US amerikanischer Filmkomponist Paul… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dooley's — is a German cream liqueur combining toffee and vodka, made by BEHN in Eckernförde. It is marketed in a red and blue opaque bottle. The liqueur itself is a creamy colour. Ingredients Vodka Cream Sugar Milk Flavoring Alcohol content is 17 percent… … Wikipedia
Dooley\'s — Dooley’s немецкий сливочный ликёр, сочетающий ирис и водку. Выпускается немецкой семейной компанией The Kirkwood Group в городе Эккернфёрде. Разливается в красно синие непрозрачные бутылки. Ликёр имеет кремовый цвет. Ингредиенты Водка… … Википедия
Dooley's — Dooley’s немецкий сливочный ликёр, сочетающий ирис и водку. Выпускается немецкой семейной компанией The Kirkwood Group в городе Эккернфёрде. Разливается в красно синие непрозрачные бутылки. Ликёр имеет кремовый цвет. Ингредиенты Водка… … Википедия
Dooley — Recorded as O Dooley, Dooley and Dooly, this is a famous Irish surname. It originates from the 12th century Gaelic O Dubhlaoich meaning The male descendant of the Dark Hero and as such a reference to the first chief of the clan. He may have been… … Surnames reference