Книга: Ellcock Stephen «Stickyscapes. New York»

Stickyscapes. New York

Серия: "-"

Stickyscapes New York features all of the most iconic sights of'The Big Apple', from the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty to Central Park and Grand Central station. The city's best-known characters are also included. From skyscraper construction workers to movie stars and presidents, they're all here and ready to be stickered to historical and present-day versions of the city's famous skyline!

Издательство: "Laurence King Publishing" (2016)

ISBN: 978-1-85669-984-6

Купить за 897 руб в My-shop

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Stickyscapes. New YorkStickyscapes New York features all of the most iconic sights of`The Big Apple`, from the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty to Central Park and Grand Central station. The city`s best-known… — Laurence King Publishing, Подробнее...20161160бумажная книга

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