Книга: Boykov Mark «THE RESURRECTION OF TITANIC =Воскрешение Титаника»


Серия: "Nabokov Prize Library"

Titanic is the image of the Soviet Union. It was created by th е mighty energy of the workers and the peasants. But it had bad captains, and it came across the underwater ice mountains. It is not enough to outline and to lay off a course, it is necessary to comprehend the objective laws of nature, to anticipate the obstacles and the difficul­ties of the way not to make disastrous mistakes.

Издательство: "Интернациональный Союз писателей" (2016)

ISBN: 978-5-906857-03-3, 978-5-906857-05-7

Купить за 241 руб в Лабиринте

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THE RESURRECTION OF TITANIC =Воскрешение ТитаникаTitanic is the image of the Soviet Union. It was created by th е mighty energy of the workers and the peasants. But it had bad captains, and it came across the underwater ice mountains. It is not… — Продюсерский центр Александра Гриценко, Nabokov Prize Library Подробнее...2016205бумажная книга

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