Электронная книга: Emilio Salgari «Il boa delle caverne»
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Emilio Salgari
Infobox Writer
name = Emilio Salgari
birthdate = birth date|1862|08|01
birthplace =
deathdate = death date and age|1911|4|11|1862|8|01
deathplace =
nationality = Italian
occupation = Journalist, writer, novelist
genre = Adventure, Westerns, Historical fiction,
notableworks = Sandokan
The Black Corsair (series)
influences =
influenced =
Emilio Salgari (correctly pronounced|salˈgaːɾi, but often erroneously [ˈsalgaɾi] ;
For over a century his novels were mandatory reading for generations of youth eager for exotic adventures. In Italy, his extensive body of work was more widely read than
Emilio Salgari was born in
Salgari began his career as a reporter with La Nuova Arena, and as his powers of narration grew so did his reputation for having lived a life of adventure. He claimed to have explored the Sudan, met
After a failed attempt to become a naval officer he turned his passion for exploration and discovery to writing. He wrote more than two hundred adventure stories and novels, setting his tales in exotic locations, with heroes from a wide variety of cultures.
Foreign literature and newspapers, travel magazines and encyclopedias were the source of his inspiration and helped him give life to his gallery of heroes. He wrote four major series: The Pirates of Malaysia; The Black Corsair Saga; The Pirates of Bermuda; and a collection of adventures set in the Old West. Salgari’s heroes were mostly pirates, outlaws and barbarians, fighting against greed, abuse of power, and corruption.
Unlike many of his contemporaries, Salgari did not argue for colonization. His most legendary heroes
Though knighted by the Queen of Italy and wildly popular, Emilio Salgari lived hand to mouth for most of his life until, overcome by personal tragedy, he committed suicide in 1911. His tales were so popular that soon other writers were hired to pen works under his name, adding another 50 novels to his “canon”. His style was imitated by many but no other Italian adventure writer ever managed to duplicate his success.
Salgari's work was imitated in one form or another by many others who came after him. Italian adventure literature is a continuation of Salgari's work. Many late 19th century writers like Luigi Motta and Emilio Fancelli penned further Sandokan adventures imitating Salgari's style: fast-paced, filled with great battles, blood, violence and punctuated with humour.
The style soon spread to movies and television. One example is iconic
Fellini loved Salgari's books. Mascagni had over 50 Salgari titles in his library.
There is some debate as to the first adaptation of one of Salgari's novels.
Vitale De Stefano brought Salgari's pirates to the big screen in the early 1920s with a series of five films shot over two years including Il corsaro nero
In 1976, the landmark Sandokan TV miniseries played throughout Europe. It starred
Though popular with the masses, Emilio Salgari was shunned by critics throughout his life and for most of the 20th century. It wasn't until the late 1990s that his writings began to be revisited and new translations appeared in print.
Work available in English
Though Salgari's novels have been popular in Europe and Latin America for over a century, at present only five titles are avaialble in English.
Tigers of Malaysia series
*"The Mystery of The Black Jungle"
*"Sandokan: The Tigers of Mompracem"
*"Sandokan: The Pirates of Malaysia"
*"Sandokan: The Two Tigers"
Black Corsair series
* "The Son of the Red Corsair"
Pirates of Malaysia (Sandokan)
* "
* "
* "
* "
* "King of the Sea (Il Re del Mare)" (1906)
* "Quest for a Throne (Alla conquista di un impero)" (1907)
* "Sandokan Fights Back (Sandokan alla riscossa)" (1907)
* "Return to Mompracem (La riconquista del Mompracem)" (1908)
* "The False Brahman (Il Bramino dell'Assam)" (1911)
* "An Empire Crumbles (La caduta di un impero)" (1911)
* "Yanez' Revenge (La rivincita di Yanez)" (1913)
The last two tiles were published posthumously.
The Black Corsair Series
* "
* "Queen of The Caribbean (La regina dei Caraibi)" (1901)
* "Yolanda Daughter of The Black Corsair (Jolanda, la figlia del Corsaro Nero)" (1905)
* "
* "The Last Pirates (Gli ultimi filibustieri)" (1908)
The Pirates of Bermuda Series
* "I corsari delle Bermude" (1909)
* "La crociera della Tuonante" (1910)
* "Straordinarie avventure di Testa di Pietra" (1915)
Adventures in the Old West Series
* "Sulle frontiere del Far-West" (1908)
* "La scotennatrice" (1909)
* "Le selve ardenti" (1910)
Other series
Two sailors
* "Il Tesoro del Presidente del Paraguay" (1894)
* "Il Continente Misterioso" (1894)
Il Fiore delle Perle
* "Le stragi delle Filippine" (1897)
* "Il Fiore delle Perle" (1901)
I figli dell'aria
* "I Figli dell'Aria" (1904)
* "Il Re dell'Aria" (1907)
Capitan Tempesta
* "Capitan Tempesta" (1905)
* "Il Leone di Damasco" (1910)
Other adventures
* "La favorita del Mahdi" (1887)
* "Duemila Leghe sotto l'America" (1888) (also known as: "Il Tesoro Misterioso")
* "La scimitarra di Budda" (1892)
* "I pescatori di balene" (1894)
* "Le novelle marinaresche di Mastro Catrame" (1894) (also known as: "Il vascello maledetto")
* "Un dramma nell'Oceano Pacifico" (1895)
* "Il re della montagna" (1895)
* "I naufraghi del Poplador" (1895)
* "Al Polo Australe in velocipede" (1895)
* "Nel paese dei ghiacci" (1896)
* "I drammi della schiavitù" (1896)
* "Il re della Prateria" (1896)
* "Attraverso l'Atlantico in pallone" (1896)
* "I naufragatori dell'Oregon" (1896)
* "I Robinson italiani" (1896)
* "I pescatori di Trepang" (1896)
* "Il capitano della Djumna" (1897)
* "La rosa del Dong-Giang" (1897) (also known as: "Tay-See")
* "La città dell'oro" (1898)
* "La Costa d'Avorio" (1898)
* "Al Polo Nord" (1898)
* "La capitana del Yucatan" (1899)
* "Le caverne dei diamanti" (1899)
* "Le avventure di un marinaio in Africa" (1899)
* "Il figlio del cacciatore d'orsi" (1899)
* "Gli orrori della Siberia" (1900)
* "I minatori dell'Alaska" (1900)
* "Gli scorridori del mare" (1900)
* "Avventure fra le pellirosse" (1900)
* "La Stella Polare e il suo viaggio avventuroso" (1901) (also known as: "Verso l'Artide con la Stella Polare")
* "Le stragi della China" (1901) (also known as: "Il sotterraneo della morte")
* "La montagna d'oro" (1901) (also known as: "Il treno volante")
* "I naviganti della Meloria" (1902)
* "La montagna di luce" (1902)
* "La giraffa bianca" (1902)
* "I predoni del Sahara" (1903)
* "Le pantere di Algeri" (1903)
* "Sul mare delle perle" (1903)
* "L'uomo di fuoco" (1904)
* "I solitari dell'Oceano" (1904)
* "La città del re lebbroso" (1904)
* "La gemma del fiume rosso" (1904)
* "L'eroina di Port Arthur" (1904) (noto anche come: "La Naufragatrice")
* "Le grandi pesche nei mari australi" (1904)
* "La sovrana del campo d'oro" (1905)
* "La Perla Sanguinosa" (1905)
* "Le figlie dei Faraoni" (1905)
* "La Stella dell'Araucania" (1906)
* "Le meraviglie del Duemila" (1907)
* "Il tesoro della montagna azzurra" (1907)
* "Le aquile della steppa" (1907)
* "Sull'Atlante" (1907)
* "Cartagine in fiamme" (1908)
* "Una sfida al Polo" (1909)
* "La Bohème italiana" (1909)
* "Storie rosse" (1910)
* "I briganti del Riff" (1911)
* "I predoni del gran deserto' (1911)
External links
* [http://www.rohpress.com/ Information on Salgari and his works, in English. Also includes images from movies and animated series based on his novels.]
* [http://www.rohpress.com/salgari.htm Emilio Salgari: Tales from an Armchair Adventurer. In English.]
* [http://www.intratext.com/Catalogo/Autori/Aut627.HTM Salgari's Works] : text with concordances and frequency list
* [http://www.classicistranieri.com/dblog/articolo.asp?articolo=6055 Le novelle marinaresche di Mastro Catrame] Audiobook Creative Commons Edition
*cite book
url=http://books.google.com/books?lr=&q=emilio+salgari&btnG=Search+Books&as_brr=0 Google Book search
ee also
Источник: Emilio Salgari
См. также в других словарях:
Emilio Salgari — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Emilio Salgari Emilio Salgari Nombre Emilio Salgari Nacimiento … Wikipedia Español
Emilio Salgari — (* 21. August 1862 in Verona; † 25. April 1911 in Turin) war ein italienischer Schriftsteller, der Abenteuerromane und historische Romane verfasste. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Emilio Salgari — (en italien Sàlgari, ou (correct) Salgàri), né à Vérone le 21 août 1862 et mort à Turin le 25 avril 1911, est un écrivain italien, auteur de romans et nouvelles d aventures ayant connu de nombreuses adaptations au cinéma et à la télévision (Les… … Wikipédia en Français
Emilio Salgari — (*Verona, 21 de agosto de 1862 †Turín, 25 de abril de 1911), fue un escritor y periodista italiano. Escribió principalmente novelas de aventuras, ambientadas en los lugares más variados, como Malasia, el Mar Caribe, la jungla india, el oeste de… … Enciclopedia Universal
Emilio Salgari — Infobox Writer name = Emilio Salgari birthdate = birth date|1862|08|01 birthplace = Verona, Italy deathdate = death date and age|1911|4|11|1862|8|01 deathplace = Turin, Italy nationality = Italian occupation = Journalist, writer, novelist genre … Wikipedia
Salgari — Emilio Salgari Emilio Salgari (* 21. August 1862 in Verona; † 25. April 1911 in Turin) war ein italienischer Schriftsteller, der Abenteuerromane und historische Romane verfasste … Deutsch Wikipedia