Книга: Irene V. Ulrich «Astfrology out of traditions»
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Серия: "The Book of Life" This book is the second one in a serial of publications of Modern Esoteric Russian School under the general title "The Book Of Life" . The first book "Knock And It Shall Be Opened Unto You" is devoted to integral system of knowledges of the structure of the Earth, her spiritual history and evolution of the Kingdoms of Nature, of the place and the role of man and the Humanity in the common system of the Universe. In present book these knowledges are systemized and organized in order to give the reader the possibility to work with this material personality. This book may be interest and useful not only to specialists-esoterics but for common readers as well, who like to understand the sense of their life, to broaden their consciousness, who are interested in problems of phylosophy, religion, psychology, astrology, extrasensority, magic. Издательство: "Присцельс" (1993) Формат: 60x88/16, 128 стр.
ISBN: 5-85324-012-9 Купить за 281 руб на Озоне |
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