Книга: Schneider Norbert «Vermeer»
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Серия: "-" The 35 paintings that have come down to us from the hand of Jan Vermeer (1632-1675) place him beside Rembrandt and Frans Hals as one of the great masters of the golden age of Dutch art. Little is known of Vermeer's early life and training, though we can be certain that he never knew great success or acclaim during his lifetime, and after his death - reputedly in part because of the stress of his debts - his work was almost completely forgotten for the best part of two centuries. And yet today he is acknowledged as an exquisitely talented and highly original artist. Most of his pictures (all of which are reproduced in this book) show middle-class women about their daily business. Vermeer records the tasks and duties of these women, the imperatives of virtue under which their lives were lived, while also evoking their dreams and their contrasting inner worlds. Издательство: "Taschen" (2016)
ISBN: 978-3-8365-0489-8 Купить за 1028 руб в My-shop |
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Vermeer (изд. 2016 г. ) | The 35 paintings that have come down to us from the hand of Jan Vermeer (1632-1675) place him beside Rembrandt and Frans Hals as one of the great masters of the golden age of Dutch art. Little is… — TASCHEN, Подробнее... | бумажная книга |
См. также в других словарях:
Vermeer — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Arie Vermeer (* 1922), niederländischer Fußballspieler Gary Vermeer, US amerikanischer Erfinder der Ballenpresse und Gründer der Vermeer Company Hans Josef Vermeer (1930–2010), deutscher… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vermeer — puede hacer referencia a: Personas Johannes Vermeer, pintor neerlandés. Kenneth Vermeer, futbolista neerlandés. Hans Vermeer, lingüista y traductólogo alemán. Miscelánea (4928) Vermeer, asteroide. Chasing Vermeer, novela para niños del escritor… … Wikipedia Español
Vermeer — [v ], 1) Jan, eigentlich Johannes Vermeer, genannt Vermeer van Dẹlft, niederländischer Maler, getauft Delft 31. 10. 1632, begraben ebenda 15. 12. 1675; einer der bedeutendsten niederländischen Maler des 17. Jahrhunderts. Sein Gesamtwerk… … Universal-Lexikon
Vermeer — (Johannes), dit Vermeer de Delft (1632 1675) peintre hollandais. Oublié durant deux siècles, sa vie est mal connue. Son génie repose sur les jeux de lumière, la luminosité de la touche, une conscience aiguë des problèmes d optique et d espace.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Vermeer — Vermeer, Maler, s. Meer, S. 532 … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Vermeer — Vermeer, niederländ. Maler, s. Meer, Jan van der … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon