Книга: MacDonald Alan «Ditherus Wart: (Accidental) Gladiator»
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Серия: "History of Warts" The History of Warts follows the fortunes of one family - the disastrously unlucky Warts - through the centuries. In this second, fast moving, irreverent adventure Ditherus Wart finds himself at Gladiator School. It all started the night Emperor Porcus Maximus came for dinner, and Ditherus and his slave were sent to market for supplies... Ditherus did not want to be a gladiator, or go an an exciting and terrifying journey. A journey which would take him to the jaws of death, and the doorstep of great peril. But maybe, as a result, he could prove the even a member of the notoriously unucky Warts family could face Gutsus the gladiator, a hungry lion and death, and live to tell the tale. Издательство: "Bloomsbury Publishing" (2008)
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