Книга: William Shakespeare «The Winter's Tale»
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Серия: "Collins Classics" Although they have been friends since childhood, Leontes, king of Sicilia, mistakenly begins to suspect that Polixenes, king of Bohemia, is committing adultery with his wife, Hermione. Consumed by a jealous rage, he confronts Hermione, claiming that her newborn daughter is illegitimate. He casts her into the wilderness, causing their son to die of grief and Hermione to seemingly follow suit. With his family dead or believed dead, Leontes must face the tragic consequences of his actions. One of Shakespeare's most haunting tragic-comedies, "The Winter's Tale" is a moving exploration of family and friendship, jealousy and love. Издательство: "Harper Press" (2013) Формат: 110x175, 176 стр.
ISBN: 9780007925483 Купить за 183 руб на Озоне |
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William Shakespeare
Источник: William Shakespeare
См. также в других словарях:
(the) Winter's Tale — The Winter’s Tale [The Winters Tale] a play (c. 1610) by William Shakespeare. It begins sadly and ends happily. Leontes, king of Sicilia, thinks that his wife is not faithful. He puts her in prison and orders his baby daughter to be left on a… … Useful english dictionary
The Winter's Tale — This article is about Shakespeare s play. For other uses, see Winter s Tale (disambiguation). Act II, scene 3: Antigonus swears his loyalty to Leontes, in an attempt to save Leontes young daughter s life. From a painting by John Opie… … Wikipedia
The Winter's Tale — Le Conte d hiver Le Conte d hiver Facsimilé du premier in folio de 1623 Auteur William Shakespeare Genre mixte : comédie dramatique avec des éléments de pastorale Pays d origi … Wikipédia en Français
Perdita (The Winter's Tale) — Perdita is one of the heroines of William Shakespeare s play, The Winter s Tale . She is the daughter of Leontes, King of Sicilia and his wife Hermione.Perdita was born in prison, where her father had sent her mother because he wrongly believed… … Wikipedia
Florizel (The Winter's Tale) — Florizel is a fictional character in Shakespeare s The Winter s Tale .Florizel is the son of Polixenes – King of Bohemia. He falls in love with Perdita wishing to marry her until his father protests; objecting to the marriage, warning Florizel… … Wikipedia
Winter's Tale (disambiguation) — Winter s Tale may also refer to:* The Winter s Tale , play by William Shakespeare. * Winter s Tale (novel), novel by Mark Helprin * A Winter s Tale (song), a song by Queen * Germany. A Winter s Tale , a satirical verse epic * The Winter s Tale… … Wikipedia