Книга: Pamela Pritzker «Cezanne»
Cezanne is perhaps the most enigmatic artist of the nineteenth century. His life was tempestuous; he was torn by inner contradictions. And yet not only was his art balanced and sure, but his influence upon modern art is unequalled. At one level Cezanne was a classicist, concerned with order and form; a bourgeois, who craved public honors and went to mass every day. At another level he was a romantic, enamored of passionate colors; a man separated from the everyday world by his genius and his anxiety. He had little formal training in art. Although he allied himself with the Impressionists for awhile and learned from them, no doubt, he was driven to discover an entirely new artistic perspective. He spent most of his life in isolation suspicious of those closest to him, doubtful as to the worth of what he was doing, and yet wholly committed to painting. His constant meditation on the relation of art to nature gave birth to a new way of considering art. The painter was to take his form... Издательство: "Leon Amiel Publisher" (1961) Формат: 160x180, 120 стр.
ISBN: 0-8148-0661-9, 0-8148-0040-8 Купить за 368 руб на Озоне |
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Ульрике Бекс-Малорни | Cezanne | От издателя: He was the founding father of modern art, the grand master who pointed painting forward on its way from Impressionism to the 20th century: Paul C е zanne (1839-1906). In… — (формат: 185х230 мм, 96стр. (цветные иллюстрации) стр.) Подробнее... | 2001 | 330 | бумажная книга |
Elderfield John | Cezanne Portraits | This book, like the exhibition it accompanies, looks at the special pictorial and thematic characteristics of Cezanne's portraiture practice, including his creation of complementary pairs and… — National Portrait Gallery, - Подробнее... | 2017 | 3271 | бумажная книга |
Elderfield John | Cezanne Portraits | This book, like the exhibition it accompanies, looks at the special pictorial and thematic characteristics of Cezanne`s portraiture practice, including his creation of complementary pairs and… — National Portrait Gallery, Подробнее... | 2017 | 4097 | бумажная книга |
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См. также в других словарях:
CÉZANNE (P.) — La popularité de Cézanne n’a probablement jamais été aussi grande qu’un siècle après la première grande exposition que lui consacra son marchand, Ambroise Vollard, en 1895, et qui le révéla véritablement à ses contemporains. La reconnaissance… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cézanne — [se zan], Paul, französischer Maler, * Aix en Provence 19. 1. 1839, ✝ ebenda 22. 10. 1906; ging nach kurzem Jurastudium 1861 nach Paris. Als Maler bildete er sich v. a. durch das Studium der klassischen und barocken Meister im Louvre (N.… … Universal-Lexikon
Cézanne — Cézanne, Paul … Enciclopedia Universal
Cézanne — (Paul) (1839 1906) peintre français. Proche des impressionnistes, il construit par la couleur et non par la lumière, superposant des plans rythmés par la géométrie: série de la Montagne Sainte Victoire. Son art annonce le cubisme et les grands… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Cézanne — Cézanne, Paul (1839 1906) a French ↑impressionist painter, who helped to develop post impressionism and who influenced the development of ↑cubism and ↑abstract art … Dictionary of contemporary English
Cézanne — Porté dans les Hautes Alpes, c est sans doute un toponyme. On peut penser à la commune de Sézanne (51), mais ça fait un peu loin ! Mieux vaut envisager une francisation de l italien Cesana, nom d une commune du Piémont (Cesana Torinese, dans la… … Noms de famille