Книга: Morrison Grant «Animal Man 1»
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Серия: "-" Written by Grant Morrison; Art by Chas Truog, Tom Grummett and Doug Hazlewood This edition collects the bizarre adventures of Animal Man, a second-rate super hero struggling with real-life issues and moral dilemmas. Buddy Baker is a caring husband, devoted father, animal activist and super-powered being. But as he attempts to live up to all of his roles, he soon finds that there are no black and white situations in life. With a strong focus on storytelling, these thought-provoking and innovative tales make the reader question the actions of Animal Man as well as their own behavior in similar situations. Издательство: "DC/Vertigo Comics" (2001)
ISBN: 978-1-56389-005-5 Купить за 605 руб в My-shop |
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Animal Man 1 | Written by Grant Morrison; Art by Chas Truog, Tom Grummett and Doug Hazlewood This edition collects the bizarre adventures of Animal Man, a second-rate super hero struggling with real-life issues and… — DC/Vertigo Comics, Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
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См. также в других словарях:
Animal Man — (dt. „Tiermensch“) ist der Titel einer Reihe von Comicveröffentlichungen, die der US amerikanische Verlag DC Comics seit 1965 herausgibt. Im Mittelpunkt der Comics um Animal Man, die auf die Amerikaner Dave Wood (oder France Herron) und Carmine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Animal Man — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Buddy Baker, alias Animal Man, es un personaje de ficción creado por Carmine Infantino y Wally Wood en 1965. Su fama como superhéroe arrancó al tiempo que comenzaba su propia serie regular (1988 1995)y ha tenido… … Wikipedia Español
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