Книга: Katerina Mestheneou «Cosmic Kids 2: Test Book: Teacher's Edition»

Cosmic Kids 2: Test Book: Teacher's Edition

This course ensures that all skills are integrated within the English language teaching syllabus. Cosmic Kids Test Book includes: Tw о grammar and vocabulary tests for each unit; Reviews every two units with a writing task; Mid-year test with reading and writing tasks; End-of-year test with reading and writing tasks; Final test with reading and writing tasks.

Издательство: "Pearson Education" (2012)

Формат: 220x300, 78 стр.

ISBN: 978-1-4082-4741-9

Купить за 579 руб на Озоне

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Cosmic B1: Test BookCOSMIC is a bright, lively, dynamic new course which brings the real world Into the classroom, from the viewpoint of the student. COSMIC Test Book includes...• Grammar and vocabulary tests for each… — Pearson Longman, (формат: 210x295, 64 стр.) Подробнее...2011709бумажная книга
Outcomes: Intermediate: ExamView Assessment Suite (CD-ROM)Outcomes is a completely new general English course in which: Natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary help students to succeed in social, professional, and academic settings; CEF goals are the… — Heinle Cengage Learning, Подробнее...20101859бумажная книга
Cosmic: Level B1: Test Book"Cosmic" is a bright, lively, dynamic new course which brings the real world Into the classroom, from the viewpoint of the student. "Cosmic" Test Book Includes... Grammar and vocabulary tests for… — Pearson Education Limited, (формат: 210x295, 62 стр.) Подробнее...2011227.7бумажная книга
Outcomes: Elementary (аудиокурс на CD)Outcomes is a completely new general English course in which: Natural, real-world grammar and vocabulary help students to succeed in social, professional, and academic settings; CEF goals are the… — Heinle Cengage Learning, (формат: 125x195, стр.) ExamView Assessment Suite Подробнее...2011575.4бумажная книга
Cosmic Kids 1: Test bookCosmic Kids is a fun, three-level course written especially for Senior A-B-C students in Greece and Cyprus. This course ensures that all skills are integrated within the English language teaching… — Pearson Education, (формат: 210x295, 80 стр.) Pearson Tests of English Подробнее...2013519бумажная книга
Cosmic Kids 1: Test Book: Teacher's EditionThis course ensures that all skills are integrated within the English language teaching syllabus. Cosmic Kids Test Book includes: Tw о grammar and vocabulary tests for each unit; Reviews every two… — Pearson Education Limited, (формат: 210x295, 94 стр.) Подробнее...2012140.7бумажная книга
Cosmic Kids 3: Test BookThis course ensures that all skills are integrated within the English language teaching syllabus. Cosmic Kids 3 Test Book includes: Tw о grammar and vocabulary tests for each unit; Reviews every two… — Pearson Education, (формат: 210x295, 76 стр.) Подробнее...2014618бумажная книга

См. также в других словарях:

  • Warren Buffett — Buffett speaking to students from the University of Kansas School of Business, May 6, 2005 …   Wikipedia

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