Книга: Charlesworth Brian «Evolution»
Серия: "A Very Short Introduction" Less than 450 years ago, all European scholars believed that the earth was the centre of a universe that was at most a few million miles in extent, and that the planets, sun, and stars all rotated around this centre. Less than 250 years ago, they believed that the universe was created essentially in its present state about 6000 years ago. Less than 150 years ago, the special creation by God of living species was still dominant. The relentless application of the scientific method of inference from experiment and observation, without reference to religious, or governmental authority has completely transformed our view of our origins and relation to the universe, in less than 500 years. Few would dispute that this programme has been spectacularly successful, particularly in the twentieth century. This book is about the crucial role of evolutionary biology in transforming our view of human origins and relation to the universe, and the impact of this idea on traditional philosophy and religion. The purpose of this book is to introduce the general reader to some of the most important basic findings, concepts, and procedures of evolutionary biology, as it has developed since the first publications of Darwin and Wallace on the subject, over 140 years ago. Evolution provides a unifying set of principals for the whole of biology; it also illuminates the relation of human beings to the universe and each other. In addition, many aspects of evolution have practical importance; for instance, the rapid evolution of resistance by bacteria to antibiotics and of HIV to antiviral drugs are pressing medical problems. Издательство: "Oxford University Press" (2003)
ISBN: 978-0-19-280251-4 Купить за 495 руб в My-shop |
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Evolution | Less than 450 years ago, all European scholars believed that the earth was the centre of a universe that was at most a few million miles in extent, and that the planets, sun, and stars all rotated… — OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, A Very Short Introduction Подробнее... | бумажная книга |
См. также в других словарях:
ÉVOLUTION — Le terme évolution a désigné et désigne encore plusieurs concepts; il sera pris ici dans le sens d’évolution biologique, défini précisément plus loin. Dans cette acception, il est d’un emploi relativement récent. Ni Lamarck ni Darwin ne s’en sont … Encyclopédie Universelle
Evolution — Evolution (History and Scientific Foundation) † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Evolution (History and Scientific Foundation) The world of organisms comprises a great system of individual forms generally classified according to structural… … Catholic encyclopedia
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Evolution — Évolution Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom … Wikipédia en Français
Evolution — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Evolution puede referirse a: Evolution (película), una película dirigida por Ivan Reitman. Evolution (software), antes conocido como Novell Evolution, un gestor de información personal y de trabajo en grupo para… … Wikipedia Español
Evolution — Почтовый клиент … Википедия