Книга: Westrup Heather «Activities Using Resources»
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Серия: "Oxford Basics" Oxford Basics is a new series of short, accessible books for teachers who may be unfamiliar with communicative methodology. They are a source of guidance and ideas in areas that concern teachers every day in the classroom. Each of these books contains 30 beginning-level activities complete with ideas for boardwork and pictures that can easily be copied. All of the activities are simple and adaptable. They are particularly well-suited to classrooms where there are few resources apart from a board, paper, and pens. Издательство: "Oxford University Press" (2005)
ISBN: 978-0-19-442187-4 Купить за 959 руб в My-shop |
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Activities Using Resources | Oxford Basics is a new series of short, accessible books for teachers who may be unfamiliar with communicative methodology. They are a source of guidance and ideas in areas that concern teachers… — OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, Oxford Basics Подробнее... | бумажная книга |
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