Книга: Ascher Allen «Top Notch Fundamentals Student Book with MyEnglishLab»
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Серия: "Top Notch Fundamentals" Top Notch, now in a Third Edition, is a dynamic communicative course that makes English unforgettable through multiple exposures to language and systematic, intensive recycling. Goals and achievement-based lessons with can-do statements enable students to confirm their progress. Top Notch builds confidence for successful oral expression through an expanded speaking pedagogy and prepares students for academic work through the development of critical thinking skills and reading and listening strategies. Издательство: "Pearson Education (Longman)" (2015)
ISBN: 978-0-13-354275-2 Купить за 2450 руб в My-shop |
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Think about Editing. A Grammar Editing Guide for ESL Writers | Think About Editing is designed to help intermediate to advanced level students of ESL and EFL learn to edit their writing for errors in grammatical structure and usage. This tasked-based… — National Geographic Learn, Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Top Notch Fundamentals Student Book with MyEnglishLab | Top Notch, now in a Third Edition, is a dynamic communicative course that makes English unforgettable through multiple exposures to language and systematic, intensive recycling. Goals and… — Pearson, Подробнее... | бумажная книга |
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