Книга: «Russian Decorative Art»

Russian Decorative Art

Издание 1987 года. Сохранность удовлетворительная. Издание на английском языке. Перед вами замечательный красочный альбом, посвящённый русскому прикладному искусству XII - начала XX века. В альбоме представлены экспозиции Государственного Исторического музея города Москвы. Содержит многочисленные цветные иллюстрации.

Издательство: "Аврора" (1987)

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"Lik" Company. The Zlatoust Tradition of Russian Decorative ArtThe town of Zlatoust is famous throughout the world as the Russian community where about two centuries ago the art of the Zlatoust engraving on metal had been born, flour-ished, went into a decline… — Интербук-бизнес, Подробнее...2004
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Lik Company. The Zlatoust Tradition of Russian Decorative ArtThe town of Zlatoust is famous throughout the world as the Russian community where about two centuries ago the art of the Zlatoust engraving on metal had been born, flour-ished, went into a decline… — Интербук-бизнес, Подробнее...2004
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Russian Lacquer: The Museum of Lacquer Art CollectionThe Museum of Lacquer Art in M?nster houses the most extensive collection of Russian lacquer art outside of the Russian Federation. Dating from the early nineteenth-century to the 1950s, the lacquer… — LBS, - Подробнее...2016
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Августа Побединская, Галина Комелова, Ирина УхановаArt Calendar 1988The illustrations in this Calendar reproduce a selection of objefs de vertu from the rich store of art treasures preserved in the Department of Russian Culture in the Hermitage, Leningrad, one of the… — Аврора, (формат: 150x170, 112 стр.) Подробнее...1987
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Гайдамак АркадийRussian EmpireStrange as it may seem, however, there are almost no books devoted to this most famous of periods in Russian art. The most recent fundamental studies on the Russian Empire style appeared as long ago… — Трилистник, Подробнее...2000
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