Книга: Gutting Gary «Foucault»
Серия: "A Very Short Introduction" Foucault is one of those rare philosophers who has become a cult figure. Born in 1926 in France, over the course of his life he dabbled in drugs, politics, and the Paris SM scene, all whilst striving to understand the deep concepts of identity, knowledge, and power. From aesthetics to the penal system; from madness and civilisation to avant-garde literature, Foucault was happy to reject old models of thinking and replace them with versions that are still widely debated today. A major influence on Queer Theory and gender studies (he was openly gay and died of an AIDS-related illness in 1984), he also wrote on architecture, history, law, medicine, literature, politics and of course philosophy, and even managed a best-seller in France on a book dedicated to the history of systems of thought. Because of the complexity of his arguments, people trying to come to terms with his work have desperately sought introductory material that makes his theories clear and accessible for the beginner. Ideally suited for the Very Short Introductions series, Gary Gutting presents a comprehensive but non-systematic treatment of some highlights of Foucault's life and thought. Beginning with a brief biography to set the social and political stage, he then tackles Foucault's thoughts on literature, in particular the avant-garde scene; his philosophical and historical work; his treatment of knowledge and power in modern society; and his thoughts on sexuality. Издательство: "Oxford University Press" (2005)
ISBN: 978-0-19-280557-7 Купить за 493 руб в My-shop |
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Foucault | Foucault is one of those rare philosophers who has become a cult figure. Born in 1926 in France, over the course of his life he dabbled in drugs, politics, and the Paris SM scene, all whilst striving… — OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, A Very Short Introduction Подробнее... | бумажная книга |
См. также в других словарях:
FOUCAULT (M.) — Philosophe, et aussi historien de fait et de goût, Michel Foucault fut, à partir des années soixante, l’une des figures les plus influentes du paysage culturel français. Après avoir enseigné aux universités de Clermont Ferrand, puis de Tunis, et… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Foucault — ist der Familienname folgender Personen (das zugehörige Adjektiv lautet im Französischen foucaldien): Jean Bernard Léon Foucault (1819–1868), Physiker Michel Foucault (1926–1984), französischer Historiker und Philosoph Nicolas Joseph Foucault… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Foucault — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Foucault puede referirse a Léon Foucault, físico francés del siglo XIX; Experimento de Fizeau y Foucault sobre la velocidad de la luz; Corrientes de Foucault; Péndulo de Foucault, experimento que prueba la rotación… … Wikipedia Español
Foucault — Foucault, Léon Foucault, Michel Foucault, corrientes de Foucault, péndulo de * * * (as used in expressions) Foucault, Jean (Bernard Léon) Foucault, Michel (Paul) Foucault, péndulo de … Enciclopedia Universal
Foucault — [fu ko], 1) Jean Bernard Léon, französischer Physiker, * Paris 18. 9. 1819, ✝ ebenda 11. 2. 1868; wirkte am Observatorium in Paris und war seit 1862 Mitglied des Bureau des Longitudes, seit 1865 auch der Académie des sciences. Nach Arbeiten… … Universal-Lexikon
FOUCAULT (L.) — FOUCAULT LÉON (1819 1868) Physicien français, né et mort à Paris. Après des études médicales, Foucault se tourne vers la physique expérimentale. Avec Fizeau, il étudie la partie infrarouge du spectre solaire et la propagation de la chaleur. En… … Encyclopédie Universelle